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I paced silently in the upstairs hallway, careful to not make any sound, even though I felt like I was going to vibrate out of my skin. I fluffed my curls and wrung my hands before leaning against the wall and sliding to the floor. I ran my hands through my hair and huffed,

"This isn't going to go well, I can feel it. How am I supposed to do this? Just pop in and say 'Hey I'm not really dead, haha isn't that funny?' Mor this is a bad idea." I whined, my worried eyes meeting her hazel ones as she rolled her eyes.

"That's kind of what you did to me and I turned out just fine!" She said and I narrowed my eyes at her, she shrugged and smiled softly before sliding down beside me.

"The boys know someone is coming, but they don't know who, they won't shut up about it and are basically interrogating Rhys as we speak." She said teasingly and I smiled softly, pulling in a deep breath.

"Maybe I should have worn padding, I can feel Cassian's bone-crushing hug from here... If he doesn't kill me first," she almost snorted and I took a deep breath before pulling myself up and following her down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Relax, everything will be fine. Just let us ease them into it, 'cause you're right Cas might actually try to kill you," She chuckled and I elbowed her side.

"Your idea of 'easing' equals throwing me into the kitchen and leaving me to their mercy," I grumbled and she snickered before rounding the corner into the kitchen.

"Rhys, give me the bourbon, she's gonna need it. Pour these two idiots a glass too," I heard shuffling and glasses being poured.

"So who are we meeting? I thought you were keeping Feyre up at the House this time, too afraid that we would 'overwhelm' her." I heard the wry smile in Cassian's voice and I couldn't help but pull a grin of my own.

"You would, she's fragile right now," Rhys growled and Cassian huffed.

"This one is slightly less believable actually, she solidified my vendetta against that wretched bastard at the Wall." His voice was dark and I shivered at his intentions, he would be ruthless when we decided to march against Spring.

"She's asked not to be crushed upon arrival but I know how stupidly impulsive you are." Mor chided and I chuckled softly. I slipped around the corner and took in the sight before me. Rhys and Mor leaned against the island and the two Illyrian warriors were set comfortably against the counter and sink. Their eyes flicked to me and the shadows around Azriel began pulsing. I'd always been good at hiding from his shadows, looks like I hadn't lost my touch.

Both males studied me, both discreetly sniffing the air, and Cassian was the first to step forward. His face paled as he stared me down and I smiled softly.

"Long time no see tough old bastard," I smirked and he didn't even give me a chance to prepare before I was engulfed in a bone-crushing hug.

"Cauldron you're real, Eve..." The emotion in his voice was surreal and my body began to tremble as tears poured down my cheeks once again, my arms reaching up to wrap around his neck. I inhaled deeply, his woodsy scent filling my nose, bringing back memories of him training me in the Illyrian mountains.

"It's been a long time Cas, I've missed you so much," I whispered but was jolted from my warm reunion when he pushed me back, a punch suddenly flying at my face and I found myself backing up and rushing to duck the next few he continued to throw at me.

"You no-good son of a bitch, we thought you were dead! We held a funeral, we burned your pyre! You're just like your bastard brother leaving us here in Velaris while he went off to fight his own battles! I'll kill you myself and then bring you back and beat you some more!" He continued to lunge and I continued to doge every single one of his attacks until I fell into the arms of my shadow. Cassian stopped fighting, his chest heaving as he watched my reaction to Azriel. I met the Hazel eyes that I had missed so much and threw my arms around him burying my nose in his neck. The familiar scent of night-chilled mist and cedar filled my nose, and I relaxed into his embrace.

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