Away Away Away

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I nuzzled into the warm body that held me tight, like the smallest breeze would blow me away. I rolled over to face him, his wing shading me from any sunlight that might be peaking through our window. 

His face had softened in sleep and I smiled softly, lightly tracing small shapes on his cheeks, neck, and chest. His breathing hitched and I knew Az was no longer sleeping. He rolled onto his back, letting his wing spread across the side of the bed and I leaned over him, resting my head on his chest. He lifted his hand and caressed the side of my face, tangling his hands in my hair. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, pushing myself up and swinging my leg over to straddle his legs. I pulled away, panting heavily and pressed my forehead against his.

      "I've missed you Az, I missed you so much." Tears slipped from my eyes, landing on his cheeks and he sat up against the headboard, letting me rest against his bare chest. He stroked his hand through my hair and resting his chin on the top of my head. "It's been so long since I left but I replay that day over and over again in my head. I knew something was off, I knew something was going to happen but I was stupid-" He shook his head and squeezed me tighter.

      "You are not stupid. Trust is a powerful thing and as you said, you were young." I blushed red in shame and Az nuzzled in my hair. "I was also gone for more than a year when your father tried to force us apart and no matter how many letters I sent or shadows I whispered in, they would never have sparked the mate bond." He held my face in his hands stroking a thumb across my cheek. I leaned into his touch, my mind wholly focused on the feeling of his hands on my face. I pulled back, taking his hand with me, and laid it in my lap gently running my fingers over the scars that covered them. 

I remembered when I first discovered what his scars were from. I was nearly 35 when he finally caved and told me the story, his story. I'd been overly emotional and had told my father I would see Azriel's half-brothers heads on spikes for what they'd done to him. A smile tugged at my lips at the memory of Azriel soothing my rage by holding me, it was something he often did when I was younger but Rhys and put a swift end to it when he believed I was too taken with his friend. 

Azriel put a finger under my chin, lifting it so I would meet his gaze, and I melted at the warmth that I only ever saw when we were together. 

      "What matters is that now you're here, in my arms and safe." I frowned and wrapped my arms around his neck.

      "I'm going to have to go back, Az. I can't leave her alone, not while she's this fragile." He frowned and sighed, knowing I wasn't going to back down and buried his face in my neck peppering it with small kisses.

      "Then give me this week, I need this week with you before I send my mate back into the hands of the enemy." He whispered and I nodded smiling sadly before pressing my lips to his. Warm and softer than silk, his lips held me captive as his hands circled my hips, moving up to tease the bare skin of my torso.

      "I want to walk amongst my people again, then tonight you and I are going to our place." I purred, rolling my hips just the right way and Az groaned, nipping at my lips and neck. I hissed at the small nips that left marks along my neck before leaning forward to leave my own, reaching forward to stroke the inside of his wings earning me a low growl that vibrated through his chest and I licked up the side of his neck. He rolled us over so he loomed over me, his wings open and his face nearing mine. I smiled innocently before pecking his nose and winnowing to the other side of the room. He whirled around and I smirked as I slipped into the bathroom. 

      "You'd better be inviting me in, stella meus," he growled low, stalking towards me slowly and I smirked licking my lips before shutting the door and locking it soundly behind me. I heard his growl of frustration and chuckled to myself before turning on the water to let it warm up. 

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