"indecisive feeling of
enjoyment. hold the
thought, i think i need
a moment.
in which a always happy
blonde isn't as happy as
she used to be, and only
he sees it.
! i do not own glee only my original charac...
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☁️🗝 ooo ୭̥audition
episode one
the next day after sam's jam with the glee boys, he was in the tutoring centre with romana.
"that finn dude approached me about glee club." sam said as the two sat, working on maths.
"ah, he told me he would. did he give you a speech about how cool he is?" romana asks with a smile, sam nods with a smile.
"he isn't that cool right?" sam questioned.
"he thinks he is though people don't actually find him that cool. he cares about what other people think way to much, and has deluded himself. yeah he's sweet but no one really thinks of him as much."
"should i join glee? be completely honest with me roma."
"honest, if you do you'd be more of a target. glee is great a family that accepts you regardless. yeah there is drama that comes with, but everyone is there if needed.
i'm not going to stop being your friend if you decide against joining, just know if you let others cloud your judgement i'll be supportive.
i get it, it's scary being the new kid. but look at liv, nate and ty i'm pretty sure they are all thinking of joining.
and know if you do join and get slusheed, i'll be there to help you. and so will the others, we may not have known you long but our little group wasn't complete without you."
"thank you roma, i'll think about it." romana nods and the two soon finish working, the two separate with romana making her way to the auditorium for a little alone time when she heard crying from the locker room.
she walked in and saw coach beiste crying, "are you okay coach?" romana asks as she approaches her.
"just hay fever, what you doing in the men's locker room kid?" coach beiste says trying to hide the tissue.
"i heard crying, i get hay fever too if you want to talk about it? it may be weird confiding in a student but, i'm a good listener."
romana sat on the bench and coach beiste sat next to her, "i have dealt with stuff my entire life, and every school i have ever worked in, but it seems to affect me more here. coach sylvester and mr schuester are trying to get me to quit." she admits.
"sue always finds problems, last year it was because the cheerios budget got cut slightly because of glee, if i were you i wouldn't worry about it. no students respect her and if they do it's out of fear.