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🧸⛈ooo ୭̥ asian f

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ooo ̥ asian f.

episode three.

"five, six...seven, eight." i count down as the booty camp group do their routine, mercedes suddenly walks in, late.

"you're late." mr schue tells her unhappy. and i bite back a rant, this girl says she is the best but in reality she is just god damn lazy and i am close to being done with trying to help her.

there is no use helping a lost cause.

"i know. i overslept." she said, walking towards us.

"it's 4:30 in the afternoon." quinn said confusingly, mercedes rolls her eyes.

"my alarm clock went off 30 minutes late this morning. kind of shifted my whole schedule. anyway, what's santana doing here?"

"i've re-sworn my allegiance to the glee club, without telling coach sue." santana explains, shrugging.

"mercedes, i'll catch you up. five, six, seven. five, six..." mike tells her, mike and mercedes begin to dance. and i stand back admiring my boyfriend.

he. is. so. hot.

suddenly mercedes runs over to the trash can. "mercedes, you okay?" mr schue rushes over, and i roll my eyes.

"my stomach hurts. i think i'm gonna be sick." she groans, leaning over the can.

i roll my eyes, "why are you babying her? i mean, she can't do three steps without puking 'cause she ate at quiznos before she showed up in this joint." i scoffed my patience wearing thin.

"mr schue, you have us scheduled to the second right now. with school, glee club and booty camp, when else am i supposed to eat?"

i laugh dryly at her, "you're not the only busy person, some in here have jobs, others are tutors, cheerleading, football, basketball" i say annoyed "and eat when the rest of us do." i say in a duh tone.

"oh, like you eat!" she snaps at me, i just roll my eyes and scoff.

"i eat, i have a fast metabolism and also work out. plus dance and cheerios helps me stay skinny". i say and mike looks me up and down admiring my body. i wink at him before mouthing, 'all yours baby'. and he nods before kissing me.

"it's not about eating. it's about attitude. sectionals are coming up, and if we don't give it our all..."

mercedes cuts me schue off, "i am doing my best."

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