bonus chapter

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Bonus chapter bc i loved writing this story lol.

You were hanging out with the rest of the losers club at a park. I mean none of you cared that all of you were grown up or anything, you enjoyed having fun.

"You know, Bev, after you moved we'd come here to try and cheer y/n up because she missed you so much. At one point it got so bad we had to make her get out of her bed just to eat and stuff, but she always got happier when we came here.. We all missed you so much." Mike had said, to Beverly, taking a pause from reading something, as he and Bev watched you and everyone else play tag.

They couldn't help but smile at how goofy they were.

Bev smiled more in thought as she then looked down at her wedding ring and then smiled at her wife.

"Yeah, well, I promise I'm not leaving any of you ever."

Ironically, the best thing for all of them was when Pennwise came back and so they had all came back to kill it.

Y/n laughed as Eddie jumped on Ben.

"You're it!"

"That's a foul!"

"What? This isn't sports!"

They had been playing for a while and there was no way they could go now without getting Bev and Mike in it too.

Bill wasn't here, he had been writing of course, about kids not trusting strangers, especially clowns. But he said he'd come by soon.

"Okay! So, lets play freeze tag. Two teams-"

"Dumb ass, none one wants to play tag anymore!"

Y/n and Ben just laughed at them, now they could all say that Eddie and Richie did argue like a married couple, but it was their thing.

It was pretty cute, they got matching tattoos and everything. You obviously thought they had just copied you and Bev but whatever. Eddie and Richie got married a few months after you two.

"Yeah, well, I didn't see you complaining when I tackled you!" You rolled your eyes and softly laughed, saying you'd be right back and then walked over to Beverly.

"Hey" you smiled at her who had her arms out for you. This could mean a few things. She wanted to hug you, or  you to sit on her lap or wanted to sit on your's.

"Hi." She smirked as you sat on her lap as she pulled you gently down to her. You liked it a lot when she did that.

You loved everything about her just as she loved everything about you, one of your favorite things about her were her eyes, you could stare into them forever.

The air you tried to breathe in got caught in your throat. You will never get over how beautiful she is.

"You wanna play freeze tag?"

Beverly just chuckled and kissed y/n's nose, saying how beautiful her wife is.

"You bet I do."

As they spoke, they usually held hands, most times not even realising it.

Y/n got up off Bev's lap and giggled.

"Okay, this'll be fun. Lets get Mike too."

He was in for it too. Fantastic.

Sadly though, you and Beverly were not on the same team..

It was You, Eddie and Ben vs Mike, Bev and Richie.

If you get tagged your frozen and one person on your team could unfreeze you but if that person was tagged the others on their team didnt have someone to save them so if they got tagged they'd be frozen and lose.

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