afraid of the dark

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(I always come back to this fanfic even though it's finished lol whatever, I adore it, just a little chapter, filler I guess, still cute though..).

It was exactly 2 in the morning and Beverly was already fast asleep, the only issue was, I was having so much trouble falling asleep because of my fear of the dark. I've never told her, because I thought by now, it'd be gone. I mean we killed Pennywise, so why is something as little as the dark a problem for me?

I let out an almost quiet sigh, as I lay on my side, Bev's arms holding me protectively, as she always did, a little afraid Pennywise would somehow come back. I stare into nothingness around me, it's pitch black. It's not that I was terrified and little things like clothes piled up had looked like a person standing, watching me, ready to kill me and my wife in our sleep, but just the fact if something, someone did sneak in, I wouldn't be able to see.

Not being able to see is something that scared me, I know it's foolish, not being able to see in the dark, I mean nothing is going to attack us. But I don't know.. I just felt a bit odd about the dark, I always have, as a kid it was worse.

My body tensed up as an angry thought entered my mind.

Just go to bed, y/n. Quit being weird.

I'm trying, I thought, rolling my eyes at my thoughts.

I could feel Bev began to move a bit.

She probably has to go to the bathroom.

Yep. She's in the bathroom, turning the light on. I felt comfort again in a few minutes when she got back into bed and hugged me gently, smiling, I tried to close my eyes.

"Y/n, you're not sleeping are you?" I heard her softly whisper, concerned.

I let out a frustrated huff, upset with myself.

"No, I don't know what's wrong with me, Bev."

She chuckled softly which seemed to be the only thing I could hear in the quiet dark room besides my inner thoughts, the wonderful sound calming me.

"Y/n.. nothing's wrong with you." She whispered, holding me. I could tell she was smiling at me.

"Why can't I sleep then?" I sighed, frowning, looking up into darkness.

"I know. Sometimes, I get like that too. But it's dead. Pennywise is dead, okay? He can't hurt us. I'll never let anyone or anything hurt you again."

I felt better at her comforting words and snuggled into her more, running my fingers through her hair.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Shhh.. you didn't do anything wrong, honey." She spoke softly, while moving some hair out of my face and giggled, her eyes looking into mine.

"How are you so amazing?" I just whispered at her in awe.

"Y/n. You haven't changed at all, I'm glad."

I felt safe and loved after she kissed my forehead.

"I love you."

"You know, I could listen to you say that forever and it'd still be like the first time you said it."

She laughed quietly and covered my face in kisses, making me laugh happily.

"You. Are. So. Cute."

"I love you too, Bev, also.. You're even more cute." I gently kissed her nose and then she smiled, laying her head gently on my chest, hugging me and holding my hand. I grinned, stroking her hair gently, yet again, as I cuddled her. She really likes me touching her hair.

"I'll never let anyone or anything hurt you ever again either."

She just giggled and gently placed one of my hands on her heart.

"I know, thank you." I heard her whisper, she was probably thinking of the past.

"Always, Bev." I said sincerely, just as she did earlier and felt happy and warm, overjoyed at the fact that I sometimes can't get into my head fully that she loves me.

I fell asleep soon, noticing she was just watching nothing waiting for me to do so, staying up in case I got nervous again. I also felt relaxed and felt a lot better too, knowing we were safe from Pennywise, even though he had been long dead, the thought of him remained in my mind and I pushed it away for the last time, at peace, no longer letting him hold onto my fear.

Because we are safe. Finally.

adult beverly Marsh x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now