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Lex and Ethan sat on the couch with Hannah. They hadn't fully recovered from Black Friday, but at least Lex got help from the government, since she was unemployed. When President Howard Goodman returned from the alternate dimension—The Black and White— he reached out on a national scale. Lex still remembered the day the broadcast happened. She was with the Houstons, Hannah, Ethan, and Becky. After Tom, Emma, and Tim talked about Jane, Tom found the motivation to move on and invite Becky to move in. They all sat on various cushions, crowding around the TV.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else— thank you for joining me. Last Friday brought pain to us. I cannot speak for everyone, but I believe I speak for most when I say that the Tickle-Me-Wiggly, produced by Uncle Wiley's Toys, brought unspeakable pain. We lost many that day. On this Giving Tuesday, I'd like every retail worker, every shopper, every manufacturer, and every family that lost to reach out to your local government office. Every city will provide help to those who need it. To all the retail workers, you will receive financial compensation until you're earning a steady paycheck in this coming year. Shoppers, you will receive the other items you were looking for on that horrific shopping day. Manufacturers, you too will receive financial assistance. To be precise, the cost of every single Wiggly you made. Every family that lost a loved one will not have to pay for the funeral expenses. You'll all be having individual phone calls entailing those details. Happy Holidays!" Howard Goodman exclaimed as the footage cut off. Lex sat straight up.

"Thank goodness! I didn't know how I would pay for my rent. Black Friday was supposed to be my big payday," Lex said, falling back onto the cushions, a smile on her face.

"Tim, looks like you'll actually be getting things for Christmas besides my time," Tom said. Tim smiled.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to get to work. Update me on the situation!" Becky exclaimed, leaving everyone with a quick hug. Tom checked his phone.

"I don't want you guys to think this is rude, but another update came out that all calls will be on home phones unless indicated otherwise by your contact information, so I suggest you guys head home," Tom said. Lex stood up and hugged him.

"We'll text updates. Thank you," Lex said. Ethan and Hannah gave their goodbyes before they went outside and Lex started on the drive home.

"Ethan, do you need a ride home?" Hannah asked. He turned to look at her.

"Nah. Uncle Flynn took the house when Mom died. I registered with the city at your house and my cell phone number as my home phone," he assured her, taking a hand and squeezing it.

Thus, that's how Lex and Ethan ended up without worries the week before Christmas. Hannah had finished finals and they had Christmas to be excited for. Tom invited them to a dinner at his place with their group, now including Paul and Emma. It was set up a little similarly to a potluck, but it was just something small. Lex was bringing sugar cookies for the kids to frost at dinner. A few gifts were laying underneath the tree.

Christmas Eve came. It was finally time for Tom's dinner. Hannah, Ethan, and Lex were all ready to go. They were bundled up in coats, hats and scarves. It had dropped to below freezing and the few moments from the house to the car and from the car to Tom's house were not worth no warmth.

Lex started on the drive to Tom's house. "Are you guys ready?" Lex asked excitedly.

"A thousand times yes!" Ethan exclaimed. Hannah giggled from the backseat.

"What he said," Hannah said shyly. Lex changed lanes and turned into the residential street that Tom lived on. She carefully parked and turned off the car.

"I hope you're ready to run," Lex said, putting on her hat and scarf after making sure she had a secure grasp on the Tupperware full of cookies. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the car, locking it once she saw Hannah and Ethan behind her, also running to the doorway. Hannah rang the doorbell and they were instantly received from Becky, who waved them in and locked the door before anyone could speak.

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