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Lex stood outside with Bailey at their second adoption event. The last half hour couldn't come quick enough. They had been there for an hour and a half. Lex talked all about the benefits of fostering and adopting a dog, which she loved, but it got boring after a while. Most people were already done looking for the day, but Lex had to stay until her shift was over. "Are you thirsty, girl?" Lex asked Bailey, who stood up and walked in a circle, sitting patiently in front of Lex. "Hey, I know. I'm getting it for you."

Lex filled up her retractable bowl with water, which Bailey eagerly drank. Lex didn't try to get Bailey to sit when she finished her water. The time was passing slowly until familiar voices found their way to Lex. "Can I ask you some questions?"

Lex looked up. "Emma! Paul! How are you guys?" She eagerly hugged them both, which got Bailey to sit up. "And yeah."

"We're all doing well. I love Diane to the ends of the earth and back, but I was wondering how fostering is," Emma said, bringing Diane to the ground.

"Well, fostering is a great way to spend time with dogs without the long-term commitment if you're not sure how ready you are. There are some things to keep in mind. For example, you're preparing the dogs to be adopted at one point, so getting them on a regular schedule of eating and going to the bathroom is something you're going to have to establish. Teaching them basic commands like 'sit' or 'stay' are really good, too. It's definitely a time commitment. I got lucky with Bailey because I take her to work, but if you work 9-5, you have to make an effort to carve out that time in order to be able to be a great foster," Lex said.

"That's quite a bit," Paul commented, a hand on Emma's shoulder, "CCRP doesn't allow pets, which sucks."

"Okay, they only allow service animals. But Hatchetfield community college allows all pets. They allow babies, which eventually started to include fur babies, i.e, pets. I already take Diane every day. If we get a foster, I can work on the training and such," Emma smiled. Paul looked at her uncertainly. "I can do it, Paul."

"Then go on ahead," Paul said with a smile, brandishing his arm.

"I still have some things to figure out, but I know I'm going to foster," Emma said.

"Take as much time as you need," Lex said with a smile.

At long last, Lex's shift ended. Ethan and Hannah were there to pick her up. "How was today?" Ethan asked Lex, sneaking a quick kiss.

"It was hot, but Paul and Emma came, making the last half hour great," she said.

"Speaking of them, we have a party at their place to celebrate the fourth tomorrow," he said.

"Shoooooot," Lex groaned, "I forgot about that and I don't know if we need to bring anything."

"Just chips and a dip of some sort," Hannah piped up.

"That's not bad I can get it done today," Lex said, relief spreading across her face. They all drove home in a peaceful silence.

"Lex, babe, why don't you sleep for a bit before doing anything? You need sleep," Ethan said as they got home and Lex kept nodding off.

"Only because I'm too tired to care, I'll take a little nap then do some web surfing on Pintrest™," Lex said, following her statement with a yawn. Once she entered the house, she barely made it to her room without passing out right then and there.

Hannah sat with Bailey outside. After Ethan made sure Lex was okay, he went outside to check on Hannah and Bailey. "Are you good, Banana?" Ethan asked. Hannah turned around and nodded.

"Yeah. I'm just worried about Lex," she said.

"Tell me about it," Ethan agreed, sitting next to Hannah.

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