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As the broadcast ended, everyone stretched. "Well, it's been one for the books," Lex commented. Everyone nodded in agreement on their way out.

"Have a great Thanksgiving," Ethan said to everyone as hugs were given.

"Don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything," Tom whispered into his hug with Lex.

"Will do," she said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Once the door closed, Evelyn and Gary entered the area. "I'm taking it the broadcast went well?" Evelyn asked. Lex nodded with a smile.

"Don't worry yourselves. I'm going to be working on getting dinner ready. It's nothing super big and I'll be done in like six hours. Flynn will be getting here at around this time," Lex said, heading to the kitchen where Hannah had a book she hadn't turned a page of in the past ten minutes. "What's happening, Banana?"

"Can I help? I just need something to do for the next three hours. After those three hours, I have a viable excuse to be alone," Hannah said. Lex smiled.

"All you had to do was ask," she said, showing Hannah how to peel potatoes. Ethan was in the living room, figuring out his finances, in between TA-ing and tutoring.

"So this can go to Bailey's food and then our lunches. So then this can go into working on night school additional costs and that gives ten for the cell phone fund," Ethan mumbled. He didn't notice that Evelyn and Gary had entered the room and heard Ethan do all his budgeting.

"You're good with numbers," Gary said, breaking the silence. Ethan looked up from his laptop.

"I guess you could say that," Ethan said humbly. Lex heard that.

"Ethan, don't put yourself down. We've been over this! You're a freaking math whiz!" Lex called from the kitchen. Ethan rolled his eyes.

"What Lex said," he added.

"Well, not to overstep my boundaries, do you know if you could help with some budgeting and finances for my office? I'm doing it now, but I could pick up a bit more work if someone else did it. It takes a really long time for me," Gary said. Ethan looked shocked, but quickly covered it.

"Well, I could maybe do it in an hour, but I still need to figure out my schedule. I spend most of my free time tutoring or taking Banana to social events. And then I have grading. Can I get back to you in a week?" Ethan asked. Gary nodded.

"Of course," he said.

The rest of the day was filled with awkward conversations and forced laughs. It all immediately relaxed when Flynn came. Ethan gratefully hugged his family friend, who was a father figure.

"How have you been, Ethan?" Flynn asked.

"It's been. How have you been?" Ethan asked earnestly in reply.

"It's taken some getting used to, but normal. I heard you're tutoring and teaching," Flynn said. Ethan nodded as Hannah approached the pair. "Well, if it isn't Hannah Banana."

Hannah giggled as Flynn picked her up in a hug. "You've grown," he noted.

"It appears I have," Hannah laughed in response. The trio headed to the dining room, where Evelyn and Gary were.

"Ms. Foster, Gary, this is my Uncle Flynn," Ethan said, introducing the adults. They eased into a silence, Flynn catching up with both Hannah and Ethan.

"Hi!" Lex exclaimed as she came downstairs. She wrapped Flynn in a tight hug.

"Lex, it's so good to see how well you've recovered. Ethan told me about January," Flynn said. Lex groaned and covered her face.

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