chapter 4: kidnapped?

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(A/N: I just wanna say hi so hi. Also OMG! Ganhshdjownwghxjx this gif is so cute ah my heart can't take it *dies*)

It was a normal day everything going as it should be, the kids having their lunch and chatting together about how their day is going so far.

Farlan, Levi and Narumi were sitting on their usual table talking about random stuff, well Farlan and Narumi were the ones who done the most talking.

Soon lunch time was up which meant it was time for them to start working, this time however is different each of them had different work to do which means they won't see each other.

Narumi had shopping to do while Farlan was doing the laundry and lastly Levi well you already know what his ass is up to.

They goodbyed (yes it's a word cuz I said so ha I'm creative) each other and each of them went on their own way.

Narumi was making her way to the market humming and smiling to herself, after few minutes she saw her destination not that far from her.

however that wasn't the only thing she noticed, some weird looking older men who seemed to be around 30s, were eyeing her in a weird way.

Shrugging it off thinking it was her imagination she kept on going.

Big mistake

~time skip~

Levi just finished cleaning right on time since the dinner was right around the corner.

but something was bothering him since lunch ended, something was telling him something bad happened.

He felt his heart squeezed making it hard for him to breathe and he didn't like it, and as it was a coincidence Farlan walked up to him wearing a worried expression.

"What is it Farlan?" Levi asked him trying to read his mind. "It's Naru-chan she was supposed to come back hours ago but she didn't I'm afraid something happened to her while she was alone outside" Farlan explained.

Levi's body reacted before he could even think, he knew something was going to happen he knew she shouldn't have gone alone, he knew he shouldn't have let her go.


"Okay boys I should get going now Cya at dinner" the blue haired girl told her friends in a cheerful tone as always.

"You sure about this? This is the first time you go alone.." the blonde asked concerned while the raven haired boy was just standing there his eyes fixed on floor.

"Of course! Don't worry I'll be just fine I promise, I'll come back soon ok?" She exclaimed painting her confidence smile on her face.

The girl said goodbye one more time and turned around starting walking but stopped at her tracks as she heard a familiar voice calling out for her.

"Oi! Brat don't take way too long and make us worry. You better come back safe and sound or I'll kill you" it said.

Narumi let out an annoyed sigh before looking at him dead in the eyes then says "that isn't the proper way to talk with people shortie jeez but sure I'll come back in one piece"

~end of flashback~

Levi kept running looking around him, trying to find any signs of his friend. After what seemed like forever he finally found something.

Narumi's red shoe he lifted it up and scanned it carefully.

He looked around him hoping to find her in front of him and all this was only a made up prank from her but she wasn't there to end this nightmare.

Not giving up he started running again this time shouting her name over and over hoping she's somewhere near and can hear him.

After a couple of minutes his wish was heard and fulfilled, a scream filled the air then a voice asking for help ringed in Levi's ears he knew clearly who that voice belonged to.

Not giving a second thought he followed the voice to an alley, he kept running not minding the pain in his legs.

Levi soon stopped when he saw Narumi held by two men struggling to escape.

Another man wearing a nice suit gave a bag of money to another man(nice description bitch), after he took the bag the two men started to drag the terrified girl to the rich man.

They are selling her  Levi thought as he felt his blood boiling inside him.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing" everyone stopped at their tracks giving their full attention to the source of the voice that interrupted them.

"LEVI" Narumi's eyes lit up as she saw him but still  she couldn't stop the tears from falling, she wasn't scared she was terrified.

"It's none of your business now go away kid" the man with the bag commanded him.

"Give her back" Levi's dark aura appeared around him, the men flinched but stood still trying not to show any fear to this kid.

The two men let go of Narumi and went to Levi to beat him up until he's dead, Levi took out his knife and
Instead of getting beaten up he beat the shit of them in a matter of seconds.

Even tho he looked scary and covered in blood but Narumi wasn't scared not even a bit, she ran towards him embracing him.

The other two men ran away out of fear leaving the two kids having their own moment.

"Narumi Are you hurt?" Levi asked her as he played with her hair, Narumi shook her head assuring him she was fine.

"I was scared...I..I was scared levi" she sobbed tears flowing on her pinky cheeks. Levi gently tightened his grip around her.

"You don't have to be anymore not when I'm here, I can't bare losing you too so I'll protect you with my life no matter what"

"Don't ever leave me"

"I won't I promise now stop crying"

I hate to see her cry, I'll make sure it won't happen again

"There you are!" Farlan interpreted their lovely moment which earned him a glare from Levi.

Wrong timing huh? Farlan thought to himself praying that Levi will have mercy on him.

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