~9~The Fight For Love ~9~

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I heard marching up the stairs and I quickly changed out of my shorts into my pj ones and ruffled my hair and threw myself into bed and turned around

My door slammed open seconds later and I jumped up

"What the hell" I said rubbing my eyes

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" my mum yelled

"What are you on about"

"The camera detected some motion out of your window, I checked and just when it happened a bright light blocked the camera view did you go anywhere in your car" my dad asked

"What no"

"Give me your car keys I'm checking if your cars hot" she said


It's still at the track

She walked outside and my car was there

What in the name of Harry Potter fucking wizardry is this

"It's not hot, might have been another car" she said and gave me my car keys and they walked back inside the house

I saw a little envelope taped by my side of the window and I peeled it off going to my room and opening it

"You can thank me later"

And my 10 dollar bill was in there

What a prick

I left it on the side and finally heading to bed


I woke up and rubbed my eyes and just sat there staring at the wall For a few minutes

I then got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up and change my clothes for school

I heard my door open and my mum walked in

"Ah you're awake sorry about yesterday" she said

"Don't worry" I said and my family walked in

"What's going on" I said

"Just say it" valeria said

"We're filing for a divorce"

"What why"

"We can't stand each other, it gets worse each day. We moved here so your mother can take this house and I can take the one in Arizona"

"But why not tell me before"

"We didn't  want to over stress you out"

Well it was true

The fighting and screaming, it gets traumatic

"Whatever I'm late" I said walking outside and to my car and drove off to school

How dare they just say this to me right now

I pulled up to school and parked up and felt the tears coming in

This family wasn't great but it was all I had

I just sat there until I heard the bell ring and I got out my car locking it and walking to my class

"You're late"

"Don't have to state the obvious" I said and sat down next to joey

"Woah who pissed in your cereal today" he said

"Not in the mood" I said and put my head down and he rubbed my back

"Boy toys staring at you" he whispered in my ear and I shrugged my shoulders

"If you don't want him can I" He said

"Go for it" i said and soon class was done and I woke up from my nap by the stupid bell

"Break time" he said and dragged me to the canteen where I saw Jocelyn with Troy and we sat down

"Hey guys" she said and I nodded and closed my eyes

"Problems?" Jocelyn asked me and I nodded

"Really not in the mood for school today" I said

"Go home, go talk to the student development teacher she'll send you home" she said

"Sorry guys bye" I said making my way to her office and knocking on it

"Come in" I heard a soothing voice

"Come my child what's wrong" an elderly woman calmly spoke and let me sit in the chair

"Ma'am I don't feel to good, I feel a little sick" I said and she checked my temperature and then my eyes

"Your a little sleep deprived and you need water my darling, get one of your friends to have your assignments given to you by the end of the day or should I do it and post it to your house" she said

"Can you please do it" I said

"Yes my child, now should I call your parents or would you prefer to go on your own" she said

"My own I don't live far it's only a few minutes" I said and she handed me a note

"Give that you the guards by the gate, feel better darling" she said and I smiled

What a nice lady

I got to the parking lot and gave the guard my note and he nodded and let me pass in my car

Surprised they weren't here when we skipped to get paint

I got to my house and opened the door

"Hey is anyone- OH MY GOD" I yelled as I saw my father on top of a woman and my sister came running in

"Oh my god these are your children" the woman said

"What are you doing here" my dad asked

"More of WHO are you doing here" I asked him

"Who are you" my sister asked

"Looking for a promotion" I said

"This is iris, your new step mum"


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