~15~ The Fight For Love ~15~

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Oh shit

What do I do

Do I tell someone what I saw yesterday

He came for the door and I opened it before he could

"Hey there's my girl" he said and my face was serious and his turned too

"What happened where's your mother" he asked

"Kitchen with Valeria and her fiancé why are you here" I said

"I'm here to meet my kids"

"So what about last night" I said

"What do you mean"

"I saw you at that motel, with some biker guy"

"So now you're following me"

"Wasn't intense what were you doing? Is this the reason you're leaving mum or are you gay and playing you're other home wrecker too" I said and the door opened

"YOU WHAT" I heard my mum yelled

"¿Cómo te atreves? engañarme y luego ve a follar a un chico a mis espaldas. SALIR. No te quiero cerca de mis hijos y si te encuentro cerca de ellos, te mataré"

Translation - How dare you? cheat on me and then go fuck a guy behind my back. GO OUT. I do not want you near my children and if I find you near them, I will kill you.

He walked away and got into his car driving off and some of the door started opening so we went back inside

"What the hell happened"

"I saw dad at a motel with a guy, I think he is gay and never told us or the woman he is now seeing" I said

"Food is in the oven I have work " my mum said heading upstairs

"So do we will you be okay" valeria asked

"Yeah go" I said and James sat down and she also went to change

"So" he said

"What" I said getting a taco

"Any issues in school" he asked

"I've dealt with them"

"Whose bothering you"

"No body" I said turning on lucifer and Eating my food and my sister came down and they both left

Soon my mum did too and she kissed my head and left and I locked the door putting the chain on

After my tacos were finished I headed into my room only for someone to pull me into their send and cover my mouth

"Shhh sweetie" I heard and I pushed and fidgeted to try and get out of his grasp

He used one of his legs to put them in front of mine so I couldn't use mine and locked my arms behind my back

Fucking prick

I tried using my head to hit his but it was no use

He was just to fat and strong

"Now sweetie when ever you meet little baby boy Christopher, give him this" he said throwing a cd on my desk and pushing me to the floor and jumping out of my window

What in the fuck

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