~22~ The Fight For Love ~22~

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"He's gonna die" I said

"I know but who the hells going to step in and the teachers disappear whenever there's a fight" she said and I went towards Christopher and pulled him off and he hit my nose by elbowing me and everyone gasped

"Holy shit" he said and I held my nose as blood started to drip

"Fuck she's hit" I heard someone say and I pinched my nose


"Oh now they come" I said leaning against the locker and Jocelyn held me and took me to the nurses office

"He hit my head too" I said groaning as the pain started to kick in

"She's concussed"

I was sat down and all of a sudden everything was in slow motion and I saw two of everything

"DOC" I heard before darkness invaded my vision


Ugh fuck off

"Excuse me" I heard and opened my eyes to see the nurse

"Oh sorry I thought it was my alarm"

I'm going to send my assistant in to run a test on you I have to check on someone else

"Where am i"

"Hospital" she said and as she left a full 5 course daddy snack walked in


"Right what is your name" he said


"Date of birth"

"26 October"

"Last place you remember being at"

"The school halls and I got elbowed" I said

"Feel any pains"

"Just my nose" I said

"Ah yeah that's gonna be a little sore perhaps swollen, any pains with your head" he said

"No it's just my nose"

"Here's an ice pack I'll get your boyfriend to sign you out"


"Yeah um Landon is it" he said

"Oh yeah right" he said and smiled and left and soon Christopher walked in

"I am so sorry" he said

"You were fighting why"

"He said somethings I didn't like"

"Don't tell me he recognised you"

"No I overheard him saying something and it pissed me off" he said And looked down

He's lying


"Let's go" I said and I got up and almost fell and he grabbed my arm

"Come on" he said picking me up bridal way and taking me out of the hospital and into his car and we got to the house

"I'm sorry okay" he said

"It's fine I'm not dead" I said and he laughed and picked me up again and took me into my bed

"You are on bed arrest for the next 2 days" he said

"Seriously I'm fine it's just my nose"

"And I got you a gel ice pack thing, put it in your nose I'll get you something to eat" Ashton said and left

"I'll be in the opposite room just in case you need anything since jack and Lydia are busy on the other side of the house" he said and I nodded and laughed and Jocelyn walked in

"Hey buddy how are you" she said

"I'm fine" I said and she nodded

"I'll go to the kitchen so Ashton doesn't burn it down but you be careful"

She then left and I got out of bed and headed into Christopher's room

I need answers

I opened the door and saw his room way grey but he was no where to be seen until the bathroom door opened

"What happened did Ashton burn the noodles again" he said and I laughed

"No but I just wanted to ask that I know you're lying and I deserve to know why I almost died for it"

"Not yet" he said and sat down

"I'll tell you later" he said and looked out of his window while sitting on his bed

I sat down next to him and he looked at me

He looked at my lips and then back at my eyes

He pulled me closer to him, tucking my hair behind my ear and holding the side of my face before looking down at my lips and slowly pressing them to mine

Holy shit

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