~10~ The Fight For Love ~10~

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"What the fuck" I said

"Does mum know" valeria said

"This is one of the reasons we are divorcing" he said

"Well fuck you and you too you home wrecker" I said to the woman and walked right back out of my house and into my car

I'm going somewhere far away

I stepped on the gas speeding away and coming up to the track

This is fucking unbelievable

First you come at me with a divorce

Then I find you fucking on my couch

Where next the kitchen

No ew my food is there

I was so angry I didn't know what to do except just break things

I sat on the hood of my car and looked at the track as it just stood there

Joeys garage was open and I pulled my car into his, only half closing the door and decided to get paint some stuff on my car

I inserted flames again at the bottom next to my tyres matching the ones above and at the back where the boot opens and I painted an outline of a red heart in the corner

I didn't want to do to much because it would look weird

I was opened the hood and started working on some stuff and i felt oil getting all over my arms and I'm pretty sure some was on my face too

After I put my hood down I went under my car to see if anything was wrong and I heard the garage door open

"Hey joey you're bac- oh it's you" I said as I met with Christopher again

"Oh I thought joey was here"

"He's at school I'm guessing" I said

"So what are you doing here" he asked

"I could ask you the same thing" I said

"Touché anyway I need a wrench and some bolts" he said as I threw him a bag of bolts and gave him a wrench

"Wanna come" he asked

"I'm good" I said

"Oh and by the way" I said and he turned around

"Thanks for bringing my car back last night but seriously why don't you take my money" I said

"As I said, I don't let a lady pay for their own food" he said

Me? A lady pfft

More like a whale that eats 193729 pounds worth of food

"So why did you leave school, did Tiffany get to you" he asked

"I mean I'd enjoy watching the school sprinklers run away all the animals and Skanks but wasn't feeling it today" I said and he smirked

"I mean she was dating everyone in the school who knows whose baby she have next" I said and he pointed behind me

"Not in the mood for this today" I said and turned around

"My boyfriend is right there" she screamed at me

"Yet your everyone's booty call at night including his, pretty sure you two were together last night"  I said to Christopher

"Tristan is my boyfriend"

"It didn't stop you before" I said walking into the garage

"You spiteful bitch"

"Oh I'm so hurt I'm gonna cry" I said sarcastically

"My feelings for my boyfriend are genuine" she yelled

"Nothing about you is genuine darling" I said and slammed the door shut on her face and I heard her marching off

I took a rag and wiped the oil off of my arms and got most of it off of my face until I heard the door open again

"Here" he said and he sat down the wrench

"You've got a little oil on you face" he said and I gave him the rag and he took it and started wiping my face

I felt his hot breath to my forehead as he wiped the oil off and he looked down at me

I- um fuck

I took a step back taking the rag off of him

"Thanks, see you later" I said getting into my car and speeding off back home until I saw my dads clothes everywhere outside

"YOU FUCKING PRICK GET OUT OF HERE" I heard as a box was thrown out of the window

I guess my mum found out

Iris was sitting on the sofa downstairs when I walked in

"What are you doing here" I said

"I don't know what to do"

"How about fuck off home" my mum said and she ran out and sat down

"Mum are you okay" I asked

"Yes darling" she said and opened her arms to hug me

"Just know I love you, very much" she said and I smiled as she kissed my forehead

"How are you home early"

"I didn't feel well, so I came home " I said and she nodded

"I'll make you some lunch, get changed" she said and I nodded

I aspire to be as strong as her

She was broken inside but yet managed to seem like nothing was going on

I went upstairs and changed into some of my pjs, tying my hair up in a bun and I walked downstairs and saw her still cooking

"Half an hour" she said and I smiled walking to the kitchen

"No honey I don't need help, I'm almost done the tacos are in the oven go finish off some homework okay" she said pinching my nose and I laughed heading upstairs and sitting on my roof

"Rough day" I heard


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