Officers, why do you have your guns out - KENNETH CHAMBERLAIN - November 19th 2011
At seven fifty-eight Mars left Stephan's MiniMart. In his hand he held a bag. In it, his mother's purse, a carton of milk and a little bag of Reese's Pieces.
As Mars started walking down the street, blue lights illuminated the walls of the quiet neighbourhood. There were no sirens and Mars shielded his eyes. Shortly following the lights, a cop car. Before the car even fully halted, two men exited. And before Mars could even speak, he was being yelled at to get on the floor. Mars did as he was told.
"I'm on the floor!" Mars screamed whilst on his knees. His hand still gripped the bag. His mom needed the milk. And Carson deserved the Reeses.
As he screamed, two more officers came out the car. One, in a blur of blonde hair and milky skin, approached Mars, boot up and kicked his head to the ground.
All Mars could hear was the scream he let out ringing in his ears. Blood warmed the side of his face pressed against the floor. "Get up!" An officer said. Mars started to sit up. He still gripped the bag with his stuff. With his other hand, he wiped his oozing nose. In front of him were three nozzles. Behind those were white fingers on the triggers.
"Officers, why do you have your guns out?" The officer with the blonde hair slammed the gun against his skull, blurring Mars' vision.