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"At seven forty-one, a suspicious young African American teenager was noticed by off-duty cop Jamie Bridge. He alerted the officers on patrol of the area.

At three past eight, officers, Paul, Tanner and Charles approached the suspect outside Stephan's MiniMart. They attempted to pat him down. Telling him to get on the floor, drop his bag and put his hands behind his head. He refused to release the bag to them so Officer Tanner detained him.

Philip resisted arrest and Officer Paul used necessary force to bring him to the ground and handcuff him.

As officer Paul searches the bag, Philip became restless and reached toward a dark object. In order to immobilise him, Officer Paul shot a non lethal bullet into his shoulder. To this, Philip became agitated, threatening the officer that shot him.

Yes, Officer Tanner had to apply pressure to his neck. But if he hadn't he would have been injured. It's unfortunate that Philip passed. There are signs that his excessive resistance triggered an asthma attack. One that he is prone to have. This subsequently killed him in the midst of his arrest."

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