⚡️⚡️ Waller's Back up⚡⚡

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Barry The Mirror Master is Robbing a bank downtown Iris says on comms. You ready for this Barry says wally Nods.  Here this my old suit it doesn't have the gold lining but should keep you're clothes from burning up Barry says.

They arrive at the bank. Okay this is gonna be easy Wally says. I run in run in behind me I got a plan. I need a name also this mask is confining Wally says it protects you're identity come on Barry says. They run.
Flash come closer and all the hostages die says Mirror Master a rouge with the ability to travel through mirrors with a mirror gun and very deadly. It's over schrudder! Flash says. Suddenly Wally runs in behind him and grabs the hostages running them outside. What mirror master says as Barry runs at him knocking him back. We're doing it Wally says. Yeah says Barry as he puts his hand up. Mirror Master shoots him and jumps through a mirror. Or great Barry starts tracking his reflection as it's moving up the window of a skyscraper. Wally chase after him. I got a plan. Wally climbs up oh yeaaah Wally Says as he's running up the building. Wally be careful. Iris says on comms Barry runs around the building. He phases through the window. And smashs into the other side where Wally is chasing mirror master it breaks throwing mirror master out Wally grabs him and runs him down to the street he knocks him out. Nice job Barry says as he joins him yeah did you see that.. they run back to Iris's apartment congratulations... Man this is so cool. I need goggles though. Like really bugs are getting in my eyes and everything Wally says. Barry gets a phone call from patty. Hey anything from the case. He asks. Yeah but you won't believe it mirror masters dead just like the others patty says. What how's that possible Barry asks. Anyways look I'm running more test so just don't worry we will get it Patty says Barry who was that asks Iris. Patty... Iris. I have to go for a little bit Barry says. Where too? Iris asks. Not important only be a minute. Barry says want me to come? Asks Wally  no it's just a work thing. Barry says as he runs off....


The flash runs in his phasing. He finds Waller's office. On the laptop... Okay where are you. Barry is searching through her files for something. The flash... No Barry Allen... Nope... Speedy Gonzalez. 1 result. Alright Barry says as he looks at it's a cube for trapping a speedster...
He runs into the Badlands of central city and grabs materials to make it. He makes a video Iris Hal  Wally if you find this.. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I'm losing I think I killed Weather Wizzard and Mirror Master and those civilians.... I hate myself for that... the  other speedster is a suit like me.. I thinks he's me... Hal look out for my family you've been a great friend. And Iris... I love you... I'll always love you thank you for helping me become the flash... And Wally.. you're smart and now I need you to take over for me now.. you're the flash now. This box should use my abilities against me preventing me from hurting anyone... I'm so sorry Barry says with a tear in his eye as he gets in the box and puts the video down.....

Hahahaha.... A man says as he walks up to the box. Who are you asks Barry... Hello Flash it's nice to finally meet you... Well I've already met you. But I suppose this is the first time you've met me... Says the man. I won't lie... It wasn't easy the whole thing has been complicated... But me I'm a planner and I've been planning this for sometime the Man says... Who are you Barry asks... My name is Eobard Thawne.... I'm opposite... You're rival...I'm the reverse flash... Thawne says... You killed them why Barry says as he slams his fist. I wish I could say I had the element of surprise on my hand but at last Flash you already knew...me of me.. see I'm from the future and I hate... Thawne says. Why Barry asks. See the thing is I don't have to tell you... But me and you oh we have a history atleast from my point of view... But I had a problem.. see I'm losing my speed... I'm dying sort of... So I hatched a plan to steal you're speed and it worked...minis one thing. See the flash is the flash and there's no reverse flash without flash... Thawne says so your plan killed you. Barry says almost I had to put things right but I still needed speed. And that's when I got a new plan... I went back a few years killed of ol Wally's dead... I needed a speedster who I could steal from without bringing my own demise. So I killed the weather Wizzard and stole his wand. I then used it on west to draw out the speed force. And then I knew you'd never let me do this... So I made you think you were going crazy thawne says... You killed people.. what's wrong with you Barry says. I want to live like everyone else flash... And the only thing wrong with me is you. Thawne starts vibrating and his red flash suit turns to yellow......

 Thawne starts vibrating and his red flash suit turns to yellow

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Have fun in you're trap... Thawne says as he runs off....

The Flash: Running in reverseWhere stories live. Discover now