A Student's Honor

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Some sexist shit
Let me know if there's anything else!


Saturdays had to be the best day in a week. One could debate that the whole weekend was special, but truly Saturday was the best. Fridays would end with freedom, but you had to go through school to get there. And Sundays, while you could still sleep in and relax all day, there was that constant reminder that the next day was Monday, making them less enjoyable.

Saturdays were perfect. You could stay up late the night before, wake up whenever you want, do whatever you want, and then stay up as long as you please once again. It was-

"Jesus, Y/n, I didn't think someone could be so obsessed with a fucking day," a crude voice commented, and it was then that the girl remembered that yes, there was a demon that could read her thoughts.

"I think it's nice she's so passionate about something!" a much happier voice added, and right, there was an angel too.

As both entities had a casual conversation about the weird love for Saturdays Y/n had, said girl let out a sigh, trying to rid of the new blush on her face. "You alright, honey?" her mother asked as she pushed the grocery store basket along.

Clearing her throat, the teen put on a slightly fake grin, pulling the sleeves of her (f/c) sweater over her hands out of habit. "Yeah, mom, I'm fine! Just tired is all," she said, and it wasn't necessarily a lie.

Looking back, she was thankful she hadn't been murdered on sight by her English teacher as soon as she was caught from ditching half of the school day. In fact, Ms. Y, or Gwen as she insisted she be called while on her lunch break, mostly seemed concerned. Y/n was usually her well behaved and quiet student, and suddenly she's snapping at her classmates and ditching school?

So, her punishment was to explain what was going on while having lunch with 'Gwen', and help her tidy up the class before going to her next period. The woman even went so far as to rid of her marked absences from other classes, and didn't bother to tell her mother. She just wanted her to have lunch with her for the rest of the week.

And while Y/n couldn't entirely tell the truth that she had an angel and demon following her wherever she went, and that day they had been arguing far too much, it definitely helped to vent out everything else.

If anything Ms. Y secured her spot as Y/n's favorite teacher.

Not to mention David seemed very happy about getting to see her homeroom teacher more often in the day. In fact, it had been so nice and therapeutic she was considering asking to keep having lunch with the adult, seeing as she apparently duel-majored and had a degree in psychology. Gwen overall was a big help.

"I'm sure you are after helping your teacher out at lunch everyday! That was such a nice thing for you to do," her mother commented, turning her head towards the aisle on her right just in time to miss the guilty expression on her daughter's face.

"Right. I just thought it'd be nice to help," Y/n responded through gritted teeth. She looked to see David and Max still talking on her left, but to her relief it was more playful bickering than the dreaded arguments they had had those first two days. If anything it was pretty amusing.

"Of course you're a tree hugger, just another thing to make you more obnoxious," Max said with a roll of his emerald eyes, hands being shoved into his hoodie pockets once again.

"Now, I may be a lover of nature, but hugging trees is a little too far. Don't want the bark to get in my eyes," David replied without hesitation, smiling as Max scoffed and Y/n let out a laugh.

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