Chapter 1 ; Cleaning Supplies and Concert Tickets

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So here is my first fanfiction/story. I hope you all like it as I'm putting my heart and soul into it. This chapter has been rewriten on 4/6/15.

I sat up slowly and wiped the beads of sweat dripping off of my forehead and put my hands on my aching back and looked around me. Everything was spotless. Dishes, sink, and counters scrubbed until they shined, carpet vacumed, pictures and surfaces removed of dust, windows washed, bathroom squeeky clean, and everything smelling of lemons from the cleaning supplies and cigaretts from the monsters who lived here.

I know I always clean the trailer and do an okay enough job to not get yelled at, but damn this place was clean. I was actually proud of where I lived for once, minus the lack of furnature. But it was okay, nothing could ruin today for me. Not even my parents.

A loud grumble and screech was heard outside and a beat up old silver car pulled up next to my trailer. Adrenaline filled my veins as I scrambled off the spotless kitchen floor and put the mop and broom away in it's corner and threw my supplies under the sink. I heard the door knob jingle and I flopped ever so gracefully onto the chair and sat at attention as my mother apeared in the doorway.

Her dull brown hair was flopped up into an unattractive bun and her outfit was the definition unprofetional, her facial expression screamed stressed and irritable.

I stared at her quietly as she threw her expensive purse onto the floor like it was a crushed pop can and threw her body onto the couch. She sat their for a minuet, breathing slowly and eyes shut. Once she opened them, she moved her head to look around the room. I bit my lip tight and awaited for a response from her, praying that it would be a positive one.

"You forgot to empty my ashtray, Emily" she said flatley, pulling a pack of cigarretts from her back pocket.

"I'll empty it for you right now." I said quickly in a happy tone, getting up to empty it.

"Already in use, dumbass." she said sarcastically.

I backed down and stood in the middle of the room, holding my arm shyly. I cleared my throat and looked at my mom with big eyes. "So mom," I started, "I was wondering if I could ask you something..."

"What is it?" she said, highly annoyed.

I snapped my head down and continued on. "I-I bought a ticket to a concert in town today, a Black Veil Brides one, and wa-was wondering if I could go, I have a ride and everything too." I squinted and held my head down, awaiting for her answer.

"Really?" she said sarcastically, putting her cigarrette out and laughing gently. "You expect me to let you go have fun just because you cleaned the house?"

"I-I clean it every week moma." I said softly. "It won't cost you anything. I would just be out of the house for a few hours."

She stared me down with her beady green eyes, the same as me but not as full of life. I shrinked down and smiled at her sweetly.

"Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna let you go."

I felt my entire body drop as I began to panic. "B-But why? I cleaned everything! I worked for the money my self!" I stampered.

"Because I don't think it's fair you get to go have fun while I have to go work." she said loudly.

"But I worked for this! I worked for two months just getting the money for this! All you do is sit at a carwash and press buttons!" I heard my own voice rising. She couldn't do this to me.

"I fucking said no!" she yelled.

My blood was boiling at this point. "Please, mom! Can I do something for myself for once?" I screeched back.

In The End : Black Veil BridesWhere stories live. Discover now