Chapter 9

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Trigger warning: blood, mentions of bullying, unedited

"Virgil? Virge? My insomniac in training? Where is my little emo nightmare? Coffee bean? Virgil where are you?" Remy frantically called out as he searched through isle after isle of books.

Remy finally made it to the last isle in the back corner of the library. He mentally prepared himself for what he was about to see again. He turned the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. This was way worse than the time he found Virgil in the bathroom.

"Virge," Remy asked as he slowly walked over to the bleeding boy.

Virgil's eyes opened slowly. They were dazed and not really focused on anything. You could see the pain and emptiness that swirled through them. They were surrounded in black, purple, and blue. A few cuts from where the skin burst on his eyelids. Remy was shocked he could even open them.

"Ohh honey," Remy muttered as he sat down slowly pulling Virgil's sweatshirt off.

Virgil had many cuts along his wrists, but they looked new and old. His neck was lined with bruises. This arms were bruised and looked to have a few cuts from skin bursting open.

Remy sighed he was scared to ask to look under his shirt. That normally being the target for a beating, it's easily covered. Remy sighed and just pulled the latter into a lose but reassuring hug.

"Virge can I look under your shirt?" Remy asked in the softest most soothing voice he could muster.

Remy pulled Virgil onto his lap, he was holding the emo like a baby. The dazed boy just slowly moved his gaze to Remy's. He blinked twice before slowly putting his hand ontpop of one of Remy's.

"d-don-don't t-tell-tell my-my-my bro-broth-brother pl-please," Virgil said in a pained and raspy voice.

Remy sighed sadly, pulling the smaller boy slightly closer. His eyes pricked with tears as he held onto Virgil.

"Virgil.... we need to get you to the nurse. I-I need to carry you there.... are you okay with that?" Remy asked as a few tears slipped down his cheeks.

Virgil gave a small smile to the taller boy. His gaze returning to the ceiling after. Remy couldn't hold it in anymore and let his tears go. He cried as he clung onto Virgil's body almost as if he let go the smaller would be gone.

"W-why wou-would-would any-anyone d-do-do this t-to-to y-you," Remy cut himself off with his own sobs. "Your-your s-s-so ni-ce."

"Remy are you in here?" A voice called out, interrupting Remy's crying.

"Yeah, who is it?" Remy pulled Virgil closer to himself, his mind racing to fast to even care to figure out who it was.

Fast footsteps were heard coming to where we was sitting. A thud was all he heard next to him as he looked up to see Logan.

"Is he awake?" Logan asked.

"Yeah but-but he is-is like spaced out, not-not really focusing on-on anything. What do-do I do Lo-Logan?" Remy broke down in sobs clinging to the limp boy in his arms.

"Remy may I look at him?" Logan asked.

Remy loosened his grip on the emo. We crawled to Logan with Virgil still in his arms. He placed his right infront of the nerd. Then tied Virgil's sweatshirt around his waist so he wouldn't lose it. Logan saw all the same things Remy did the burst bruises, the cuts, and many bruises that didn't burst. He noted that Virgil most likely had a concussion.

"Is this all the injuries?" Logan looked to Remy.

"I didn't look under his shirt, so I don't know," he replied.

Logan sighed, pushing his emotions away. From what he knew of Virgil is he definitely had an anxiety disorder, he is smart, sarcastic, and cares deeply for the people around him. So why would anyone beat him, it's illogical.

Logan saw Virgil's gaze slowly move to looking at him. It was a mix of pain, shook, and just emptiness. It made even Logan's gut start to turn.

"Virgil can you here me?"

Virgil just blinked before opening his mouth slightly. He didn't say anything at first. It looked like he was just trying to process everything.

"H-h-hear-hear y-you-you," Virgil stuttered out in a pained and raspy voice.

Logan sighed again. He felt his emotions eating at him, why would anyone hurt someone like Virgil? He looked back to Remy to see the usually confident, sassy, and bitchy man to be in such a sad state over his friend, you could tell just how close they were.

"The nurses office is across the school, we could cut threw the lunch room to be faster. Yet, I don't think Virgil would appreciate people knowing of his poor health state," Logan put a hand on Remy's shoulder, the other resting under Virgil's head.

"We can't go in the cafe, Virgil wouldn't want the pity, we just pass it, go the long way," Remy said in a broken and raspy voice.

Logan hooked his arm under Virgil's legs while shifting the other to his upper back. He pulled the smaller close to his chest. Logan slowly stood up, Remy following.

"Come om we should go," Remy stated as he took a few steps.

Logan and Remy walked down the halls, getting weird looks from some students, while others friend to mind their business.

Remy was holding himself while he walked, he didn't care if anyone saw him like this, everyone knew Remy could ruin anyone's life with social media alone. Remy knew how Logan liked to repress his emotions, it made the not in his stomach feel even worse. They were getting close the the cafe and he had a bad feeling, everything just felt wrong.

See the cafeteria had glass walls. It was designed like that so teachers could see what was going on when they passed by. The wall and doors to the fields where even glass. The design obviously wanted to make sure teachers would know if a food fight, fist fight, drugs, and what not happened.

Much to there dislike, if one person saw Virgil, every person would look. they wouldn't mind there business like a normal person.

Remy and Logan rounded the corner to the cafe. And much to their dismay Roman, Emile, Patton, Janus, and Remus where walking out of the room at the same time.

I feel so mean to Virgil ;-;

I realize that chapter 5 is before 4 even though I posted 4 before 5

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I realize that chapter 5 is before 4 even though I posted 4 before 5. But just wanted to say it really does not matter which one you read first.

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