Chapter 10

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Trigger warning: the emo bean being hurt, eye problems

The eight teens just stared at each other. The group that just left the cafeteria was a mix of shook and horror at the sight of Virgil.

The emo in question finally moved his eyes after a couple minutes of just standing there. He could barely see, but what he assumed was everyone was staring at him. It made him feel anxious, he didn't like to be center of attention.

"W-wha-what-what a-are-are y-you-" Virgil cut himself off as he started to cough. His voice just as raspy and broken as before.

"Vi you shouldn't talk. Don't worry we're almost at the nurse," Remy reassures in a quite and sorrowful voice.

"What the hell happened, he-he looks like he got ran over by a car! Then they decided that wasn't good enough and ran him over five more times!" Roman exclaimed ruing his hands threw his hair.

"Roman!" Patton nudged the man in a gesture to tell him to shut up.

Janus started to stutter out random nonsense. His mind kept brining back every memory of Virgil and himself as kids.

Logan cleared this throat gaining everyone's attention. "Look if you have nothing to say that can help this situation, I suggest you move out of the way."

Patton, Emile, and Janus all moved out of the way.

While the twins stayed where they were standing. They were shocked that Logan was helping Virgil.

Suddenly an arm was pulling Remus backwards. Which he allowed as he took steps back, looking back to see Janus holding his arm. The smaller practically clinging to his arm as his emotions were spiraling at the sight.

Roman took a few steps back after his shock wore off. He just felt guilty.

Logan motioned with his head for Remy to go in front of him. Remy took a few steps before quickly looking back at Virgil.

The latter was not looking well. It pissed Remy off that someone would hurt his coffee bean. He continued walking glaring at the onlookers at both sides of him. Logan was following right behind him, Virgil still held securely in his arms. Remy sighed already trying to put a plan together to destroy Kurt, Ram, and Shane's reputation and life.

It didn't take long for the trio to get to the nurse. Seeing as everyone was to afraid of staying in Remy's way. Mrs. Conley told Logan to put Virgil on the table, then directed him to wait in the chairs by the door. She quickly worked her Aucturita to heal Virgil. It was directed to Virgil's torso, arms, legs, then his head.

But she noticed a problem with Virgil's eyes. They were hurt so bad they were damaged. Mrs. Conley could only heal a wound, she couldn't reverse a disability or make a blind person see again. That just wasn't how her Aucturita worked.

She also noted that her blocker had been removed, her thought was from his encounter with Ignorance, but she still wanted to ask so she had her facts straight. She repositioned her hands over his head, and repeated what she had done a week ago.

"Okay, you should rest. Remy Logan it is still technically lunch block, if you want to stay till lunch is over you may," Mrs. Conley told the three. "Oh and Virgil I have good and bad news, which would you like to hear first?"

Virgil cautiously looked between the three in the room. "Good news I guess."

"Well that problem is solved again," she said motioning an x, as Virgil smiles knowing she meant that his power was blocked again. "Now to the bad news. To put it simply you may need glasses."

Virgil eyes widened as he stared at her dumbfounded. He didn't think that when..... he didn't think it would cause that much damage.

Remy gasped, immediately putting his hand over his mouth. Logan had a look of worry, but stayed calm, waiting to hear the facts.

"I think you can notice the difference, I don't think it would be a high prescription.... but then again I'm not an optometrist," Mrs. Conley said with a bitter sweat voice.

"Mrs. Conley....... I-I can't-" Virgil cut himself as he was looking around the room, finally noticing how blurry the room was. He could barely make out letters on the walls. But this room was small, if he was to go into class he surly wouldn't be able to see the board in class.

"Shh it's okay. Let it out," she gave him a reassuring hug as Virgil let a few tears drop from his eyes.

Remy was surprised to see Virgil cry. He had never seen him cry before, even through panic attacks when you really don't have control over that... Virgil never cried. But he's crying, right in front of him. That pissed Remy off, the first time to see Virgil cry because he was beat.

"I-I'm gon-gonna text Issac," Virgil muttered.

He pulled out his phone, his thumbprint going through and opening his phone. But after that Virgil stopped. He was confused. He could see his phone but he couldn't see the walls. He just stared at the screen not doing anything.

"Virge?" Remy asked.

"Why can I-I see my-my phone if I can't see the-the wall?" Virgil looked up his eyes filled with confusion.

Logan cleared this throat as he adjusted his glasses before stating, "I am assuming you do not have complete blindness, and are experiencing myopia. Myopia is commonly know as nearsightedness, where one can't see far away. It is opposite hyperopia which is know as farsightedness, where one can not see things close to oneself."

Virgil gave Logan a deadpan face, silently telling the nerd to repeat it in a dumbed down version. Even if Virgil was listening, he did not have the mental stability to process at the moment.

"You can't see fat away, you can see close to you," Logan smiles slightly as Virgil nodded.

"Why do you know the scientific names?" Remy asked.

"You do weird things late at night, I research random things. So I always have an answer," Logan stated calmly.

Virgil sent a quick text to his brother, letting him know he was going to have a small eye problem, not going into more detail then that. When he was hit with a sweatshirt to the face. As much bad that kept happening to him, everything was going to be okay.

Soon enough the three finished there day of school. Logan even gave Virgil his number to give him the notes from classes.

Virgil and Issac planned an optometrist appointment. The soonest appointment they could get was a week from Friday. So Virgil would have to be stealing Logan's notes for seven days. 'This was going to be a long week' Virgil thought.
This took forever ;-;
Also I'm so sorry Virge is such a pushover. Once you see everyone else's Aucturita maybe that might change though.



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