Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! Welcome to this story. Thank you for reading it! This story will be in Ben's POV by the way. I won't be switching POVs (I don't think so). Also comment which series you like better: Spy School or FunJungle. Comment who is your favorite character for each series! I might add a sequel to this book that includes Space Case characters so please follow me and enjoy!

I woke up in my biological warfare class. Everyone was staring at me. I rubbed my eyes and looked around.

"What?" I demanded in a cold voice. That's when everyone burst out laughing.

"As you can see, you can knock people unconscious without much effort and combat. But make sure that you have a gas mask on before. You should all carry around a small foldable one in your packs," Professor Lopez, the new professor explained. He adjusted his glasses, then looked at me straight in the eye. "Mr. Ripley, I don't assume you remember what happened?" he inquired.

"You made me inhale Wertuflenium hydrate?" I didn't remember, but I just decided to guess. Wertuflenium was a newly discovered element, and it was very dangerous. It could manipulate another person's neurological path. Basically, you change people into thinking something.

Professor Lopez looked stunned. "What? Do you remember what happened? But how?"

I grinned. I must have gotten it right. But I decided to tell the truth. "Oh, I just guessed."

Professor Lopez looked relieved and dismissed the class. But he called me over and made me sit down on a small couch.

"Wertuflenium is extremely powerful. I need you to remember this," he told me and handed me a concealed bottle. "Inside this bottle is 2g of wertuflenium hydrate. It needs to stay in your hands. I want you to use your knowledge of radiology and create a simple substance that would cause someone to tell the truth 100%. And then one that can erase memory. Remember, you can not let anyone know of this, and must complete the research by tomorrow."

"You want me to make a truth serum and a memory wiper?" I gaped at the thought.

The reply I got was a nod, and a 'now-get-out' look. So I put the gas into my utility belt, and took off to lunch.

I worked on the truth serum first. I walked into a lab, and in less than an hour, I was able to make a truth serum. I bottled it and labeled it 'TS'. It was lunchtime, but I wasn't hungry. I still decided to go see my friends.

When I walked into the mess hall, I got an enthusiastic welcome from the first-year students. They explained that I have been added to the CIA's book of legendary plan thwarters.

"We heard that you thwarted SPYDER like 5 times!" a girl named Rachel squealed. I just stood there with confusion. "We've learned all about you in class! Can I have your autograph?"

"What?" I was super confused. People were learning about me in class? "Which class?" I asked Rachel.

"Professor Lopez's investigation of enemy plans class," was the reply from the girl who was frantically pulling out a pen and paper.

Professor Lopez... He was teaching investigation of enemy plans too? I made a mental note to go see him later. I then took the pen and paper with a smile and signed my name on the paper. Rachel squealed again and ran off to brag to her friends about the "autograph" that she received.

I walked over to my table and took a seat next to Mike and Jawa. I wasn't hungry, so I decided not to get food. Instead, I took a slice of pizza from Chip, resulting in me having to run around to avoid getting punched.

"You pizza thief, stop right there!" Chip yelled. He was catching up closer and closer to me. He lunged for me for a tackle but was stopped mid-air by a strong shove. Erica Hale.

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