Chapter 2

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Hi everyone. If you are reading this, thanks a lot! I'm happy that someone got as far as Chapter 2 :) Comment: Are you a berica shipper or zen shipper or jerica shipper or what? Enjoy the story people! ^_^ 

I looked out the window to see nothing but clouds. It was going to be an awkward flight. I glanced at Erica. She was leaning on the wall, looking into her phones with her magnificent blue eyes. I looked at her raven black hair and at her perfect waist and legs. She had her spy outfit on.

"What are you looking at?" Erica demanded me with a disgusted glare.

"N-nothing, I-I was j-just thinking about the m-mission," I managed to make up a lie, a terrible one. Erica obviously knew that was a lie and gave me a long stare then went back to look at her phone.

I pulled out my own phone and did research on the zoo. It was called FunJungle. It was founded by a famous billionaire called J.J. McCracken. I searched him up, and it turned out that he was a friendly person who cared about the animals.

But using wertuflenium on animals isn't very safe and good for them. And Joshua Hallal is working under him. I was pondering the issue when I side glanced at Erica and caught her staring at me. My heart immediately started pounding, but I managed to look like nothing happened and continued working on my research.

2 minutes later, I glanced back at Erica and she was looking at her phone. I was semi-disappointed that she wasn't showing interest to me anymore but still went back to my research.

I searched up J.J. McCracken on the internet to find a long article about him on Wikipedia. It described him as a businessman who cared about a lot about profit. Would that cause him to use wertuflenium? And why is Joshua in his research group? Does he work for SPYDER.

I was becoming more and more stressed with the questions. I still haven't told Erica about them. I thought it would be better to keep it to myself for now. I side glanced at Erica once more and again, she was staring at me. What was going on?

I tried ignoring her, but she didn't take her eyes off me for the next 3 minutes. So I decided to ask her.

"Um, Erica, I know you've been staring at me for the last 3 minutes. Is there something on my face or something?" I asked her.

"What? Oh, I w-was just thinking about something," she replied but managed to keep the cold look on her face. But she was clearly embarrassed.

I grinned. Erica Hale was embarrassed that she was staring at me for a long time. Maybe she likes me?

"Why are you grinning?" Erica demanded with an even colder look on her beautiful face.

"Um, er, nothing. I was just thinking about something that happened, erm, uh, yesterday with Mike," was all I could manage.

"Mike wasn't at school yesterday," Erica replied.

"Oh yeah, erm, maybe, uh, it was, like the day before yesterday?" I said sheepishly. I was so bad at lying.

Erica just stared at me. I also stared at her. Every second, it was getting more and more awkward.

That was when Catherine burst in. She caught us staring at each other and said, "Oh, did I ruin a private moment? I'm sorry. Please go on," and left like lightning.

Erica and I both turned red.

"Don't listen to what my mom says. She is always like that. I do not like anyone. Relationships mess up everything," Erica muttered.

I said nothing and looked at the home screen of my phone.

"Hey guys, it's time for lunch," Mike was peeking into the room. He looked at both of us, still as red as a rose. He shrugged and left.

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