Chapter 6

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Hello everyone! This will be the last chapter for this book. I'll make a sequel though so yay? Please comment on whether I should include Space Case characters in the sequel. Enjoy the last chapter.

"Follow me," I told them.

We got back to the hippo river to see two unconscious people in the crane and a very tired Mike Brezinski.

"Mike!" I smiled.

"Ben, you stupid," he smiled back.

"We have to capture Joshua and stop the missiles. I don't know where the control room is though," I said.

"Me, Teddy, and Summer will work on Joshua. You, Erica and Violet can go stop whatever the missile is," Mike replied.

Erica dragged me into the corner. Violet followed. "So Ben, you have a plan?" she asked me.

"Um, no," I replied.

"Well, I think I know where to go," Violet told us. "I know a secret place that might be it."

"Alright, then let's get to it," Erica snapped quickly. I think the truth serum was wearing off.

Violet led us into the dolphin exhibit. She opened a hidden trap door on the floor and we dropped 5 feet into a small passageway.

"Mr. McCracken showed me this place. He told me that he built it for emergency purposes," Violet explained.

"Is that a computer?" Erica whispered

There was an unlocked computer on the desk. It was an AI based advanced computer. On it was a timer. I started limping towards the place. But before I could touch it, the timer reached 0.

I was disappointed in myself that I couldn't stop it on time. Two seconds later, I heard a big explosion. Wait what?

I looked outside to see the construction crane that Joshua and Murray were on, collapsing! A bomb on the crane had blown up. The timer was a crane self destruction timer.

"Ah! My lolli-pop!" Murray yelled, desperately trying to reach for the green candies that were piling out of his pocket.

"Shut up, wait? It's 3:00AM! That means-" The crane hit the ground. Joshua yelled for his mom, and Murray for his candies.

"What?" Mike looked confused. Everyone looked confused.

Erica quickly got back to work. I was not good at hacking, and was struggling with a file, when Mike came in. He quickly took over and unlocked the file. It had a running timer that showed 10 minutes.

Now this, was the real timer. We had 10 minutes left to save the world's best zoos.

Mike was fumbling with the keyboard and madly typing in cancel commands, but everytime, a red screen with 'Error' on it popped up. Mike sighed in frustration and tried erasing all the files. The timer kept running.

I looked around. The only thing I had were weapons, gum, and wertuflenium. I looked over the bottle, and a thought struck me.

I looked at the timer. There was less than 2 minutes left. Mike had to stop the timer quickly. He installed a bug onto the computer to make the timer stop with an error. But in order to do so, he had to type in a passcode. He frantically tried to think of a passcode, but we had no clue.

I sprinted out of the room, and came into the lab. I broke open the door. I couldn't find what I was looking for. Levocetirizine dihydrochloride. I remembered that an overdose of it could cause memory loss. Wertuflenium could convert biological phenomena into mechanical, or programmable things. Then I remembered.

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