Chapter 3

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Hi again! Yay someone made it to Chapter 3. I am very happy. TYSM you people are amazing. Tell me in the comments: Have you read Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation? What do you think about it? I thought it was okay, but my fave is still Spy School. Oh well, enjoy the story!

"Yes, I knew it!" Catherine jumped with her arms in the air. "I totally accept, Benjamin. You are a wonderful person. Uh, what's your shipname?"

"Berica," Mike answered. He also had his arms in the air.

"Berica forever, then," Catherine yelled.

"What's all the noise?" Cyrus shouted from the cockpit. Gosh, I hope he didn't hear what I said.

"Nothing!" everyone shouted at the same time.

"I'm going to my room," Erica announced.

"Same," I said to everyone. Then I realized that I had to share a room with Erica. Sh*t. Today is so awkward. I want to kill myself.

"Okay, have fun, you too!" Catherine smiled at us and left.

When I got to my room, Erica was in bed. There was only one bed, so that means Erica gets it.

I sat on the couch and turned on my phone. I searched up 'J.J. McCracken daughter' on the internet and there were more than a billion results. I clicked on images and looked at the photos. Mike was right. Summer McCracken was blazing hot.

Then I realized that this wasn't the time to do this, and turned off my phone. It was 3:00 in the afternoon. Erica seemed to be taking a nap, so I decided to take a nap as well, and lied down on the couch.

I woke up to the announcement. "We're landing in 5 minutes so get your stuff ready," Cyrus yelled through the intercom.

I got up, yawned, and saw that Erica was still sleeping. She wasn't a deep sleeper, but she was definitely in deep sleep. She must have been tired. I didn't have any stuff out so I didn't have to pack up anything. Erica only had a small notebook and her pencil case out. I picked up the notebook and pencil case to put it into Erica's backpack when Erica shrieked.

"What the hell are you doing with my diary? Don't you know I have private information in there?"

"What? You see, we're landing in 3 minutes 34 seconds and I didn't want to wake you up because you seemed to be getting rest. I decided to pack your stuff too," I was telling the truth.

"So you saw what I wrote about you?" Erica looked shocked.

"What? What did you write about me? I didn't look inside the notebook, I swear!" And I wasn't lying.

"Oh ok, never mind then," Erica snapped coldly.

She was about to get out of bed, but she yelped with pain.

"What's wrong, Erica?" I asked.

"Oh, just a damn cramp. I'm fine," she replied.

I reached out a hand and offered her help. She looked at my hand for a second and took it. I grabbed her hand and helped her up. She grimaced in pain.

"Here, let me help you," She wrapped her arm around my neck and I helped her walk.

"Stupid cramp, I shouldn't have slept with my legs folded," Erica muttered.

She started limping with my help towards the door. I had a duffel bag on my shoulder and Erica's backpack on my back. But Erica still looked like she needed help.

"Uh, Erica, do you need help?" I asked her.

"What do you mean? You're already helping me," Erica said with no emotion.

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