Chapter 5

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Hi guys, welcome to another chapter! I hope you guys are doing fine. The school year is almost over! Comment: what are your plans for the summer? Enjoy!

I swore under my breath. Erica looked at me, surprised. I usually don't cuss in front of other people.

"Joshua dropped the f**king rock," I swore again. "We needed the bridge in order to see Violet. I need to explain what's happening to them."

"Whoa watch out!" Erica rolled me over just in time. Joshua dropped another big rock at us.

"Hey smart boy, so you figured it out again, huh? Well, you're not getting past this river, are you?" Joshua sneered from 100 meters above us.

"You know what?" I muttered. "I'm gonna swim."

"What? They'll open fire at you! You're gonna die!" Erica whisper-yelled.

"Too late," I said, taking off my shirt. I took a deep breath, and jumped into the water.

I regretted that, because 1. The water was super dirty with hippo poop, 2. Nobody told me that there were two Tiger sharks in here, and 3. Erica was right. 5 seconds into the water, I heard 4 machine gun bullets hover over my head. Then I felt a bullet rip my armor around my thigh and pierce my skin. Blood was everywhere, but I wasn't shot badly. The armor I was wearing managed to slow down the bullet so it didn't hurt too bad.

"Ben! No!" Erica screamed and dodged another boulder.

Mike swore loudly at Joshua. Joshua started laughing. But I managed to climb up on the other side of the river and I rolled to cover. Violet and Summer were pale. Teddy looked shocked.

"Alright, I'm gonna explain what's happening," I said calmly.

"How are you freaking calm when you just got shot and are bleeding a hell lot?" Teddy shouted.

"I'll explain that too in a second. Just wait," I even managed to smile. "I am a spy-in-training for the CIA of the United States. I've been sent here to investigate an enemy organization and I think I figured out their plan. But I needed your help, so that's why I called you here. I'm sorry to surprise you. I've got shot many times before and almost died multiple times, so this isn't much."

"You? A Spy?" Summer looked like she was about to burst.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you in advance," I apologized.

"I mean of course, you're a spy so you can't let people know that," Teddy told me. "We understand." He passed me a jacket. I quickly put it over me because I was freezing cold.

I still had my utility belt, which had 2 guns and a knife in it. I also had a blade in my pocket and a taser.

"I assume none of you've shot a gun before?" I groaned with pain.

"N-no," All of them replied.

"Here," I said, handing Teddy a taser, Summer a gun, and Violet another gun.

"How about you?" they asked me.

"I can't really fight right now. I have a knife so I'll stay here and treat myself." I replied. "Thinking of which, I'm guessing you couldn't find Xavier?"

"Um, no. He didn't answer any of our calls," Summer replied. "Even his girlfriend Violet's."

"Oh you were dating Xavier? Xavier's actual name is Murray Hill. He is on the back of the crane. He is in the enemy organization," I glanced up top. I could clearly see Murray's face from here. He smirked.

"Xavier you traitor!" Violet shrieked. "I trusted you!"

"Whoa, easy. You guys, do you have the key to the lab?" I asked them.

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