Chapter 16

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The rest of the day dragged on in slow motion.

After their kiss they had been snapped out of their own little bubble by the loud shrill of the bell, signaling that class was about to start. Harry quickly grabbed Draco's hand in his and began dragging him down to the dungeons and their first class. The hallways were empty and class had already begun by the time they reached the door to the classroom. Harry realized that they wouldn't be alone again until tonight and before opening the door he swiftly turned around towards Draco.

"Meet at out spot tonight?"

Draco smiled and looked down at their linked hands. He gave Harry a small nod before withdrawing his hand to grab Harry's face and planting a feathery kiss on his lips. He then opened the door and walked in, a cocky smirk on his face as he left Harry in the corridor outside. Breaking out of the shock from the kiss he lightly shook his head to clear his thoughts before walking in and sitting down next to Draco.

Apart from sneaking in a few words in whispers to each other during the classes they shared, they didn't get that much time together. So, by the time dinner rolled around, Harry was going crazy. Even now, hours later, his lips were still tingling from their kiss. Ron, who had given Harry quite the look when he had arrived late to potions that morning with Draco, knew that something was up. He watched in amusement as Harry scarfed down his food, before standing and giving his friends the excuse that he needed to get some fresh air.

"Be careful mate" the amused look was half replaced by one of worry on Ron's face as he looked at Harry.

"Oh yes- "Hermione piped in, looking up from the charms essay she was proofreading for Ron. "-it's freezing outside and it really gets dark fast, so try to stick close to the castle so you don't get lost."

Harry smiled fondly as his two best friends. Harry chuckled lightly at Hermione's comment before leaving the Gryffindor table and the Great Hall.

All day he had relived his kiss with Draco in his head. He still couldn't quite believe that it had happened, but he was glad it had. Apart from the obvious good parts too it, he now didn't need to try and figure out how to bring up the subject of his crush for Draco. Instead, he would have to have another complicated conversation. What had it meant? Harry knew what it had meant for him. He liked Draco, a lot! But what if Draco didn't feel the same. Maybe it was a spur of the moment thing for him? Or maybe he was only interested in a physical thing, while Harry was more hoping for a relationship kind of thing. In the end he decided to approach the conversation as if it had meant something to Draco too, hoping that he was right.

Harry was still in deep thought as he rounded the last bookshelf, and his eyes fell on a blonde head of hair by the window. Draco's eyes snapped up and nervously met Harry's, the cockiness from this morning long gone. As if on a que, they both walked over to the table and sat down next to each other. Feeling Draco's body so close to his again made the space feel incredibly hot and he discreetly wiped his sweaty hands on the side of his pants.

"Soooo..." Draco broke the silence after a few seconds. A halfhearted attempt to begin the conversation. Not that Harry knew what to answer to that vague expression. Taking a deep breath, he forced the Gryffindor bravery that he knew he possessed to come out.

"Sooo... you're a really good kisser" A proud smile grazed his lips as Draco went scarlet red.

"Thanks" he stammered. "You too" Now it was Harry's turn to feel his cheeks heat up. Both from the compliment and at how awkward this whole situation was. Draco and Harry have been able to talk to each other about everything for months now, but now neither of them seems to be able to construct a single sensible sentence. Drawing on that bravery again, Harry decided to just get right to it and ask the hard question. Fear of rejection paralyzed him for a moment, but he fought through it.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Harry blurted out the question in one breath and then found himself unable to let his breath back in. It wasn't until Draco answered that air finally returned to his lungs. Not because it was the answer he was looking for, but because it took him by such surprise.

"Why would you want that?" Draco's head hung low, which made it impossible for Harry to read his face.

"Will you look at me Draco" Harry asked softly. When Draco failed to move, Harry simply cupped his cheek and gently lifted his head up himself.

Draco's eyes shone with tears that were yet to fall. His expression was so raw and scared it broke Harry's heart in two.

"I'm not good enough for you Harry. I never was... even as a friend I don't deserve you. I could never pretend to be enough for you as a partner." Silver eyes looked up to meet green for the split of a second before losing courage and falling back down to rest on the top button of Harry's shirt.

"That's not true and you know it"

"It is!" Draco shook his head, forcing Harry to drop his hand down from where it rested on Draco's now tearstained cheek.

"I'm a Slytherin, remember. And even worse I'm a death eater"

"Oh don't play that card!" Harry's voice rose slightly and he shook his head in frustration. "You are not a death eater! You were forced to take the mark. It's different and we both know it."

Silence hung between the two for a few seconds. The tears fell silently down Draco's cheek and every time he furiously wiped them off. Harry found himself searching for the right thing to say. He didn't hold Draco's actions during the war against him. They had been kids and they hadn't been given a choice. Draco couldn't have refused the mark just as much as Harry couldn't have refused the mission that Dumbledore had sent him on. They had both been pawns in a much bigger game, tied to their roles long before the war had even started.

"We were kids Draco. I don't blame you for anything you did during the war. It doesn't matter what you did then. What matters is what you do now." Harry tried to keep his voice gentle, but all he wanted to do was scream and shake some sense into the boy in front of him.

"Besides, if you want to evaluate your actions during the war you can start by the times you helped me, even though it was a danger to you." Just as Harry had suspected, this caused Draco to look up and finally meet his gaze. Draco's eyebrows was furrowed and he looked expectantly at Harry, awaiting an explanation.

"When we got caught by the Snatchers. You knew it was me, I could see it in your eyes, but you didn't tell on us. And then again in the room of requirement when you held Crabbe and Goyle back from killing me. If it weren't for that I don't know if I would have walked out of that room."

"As if those two idiots would have been able to actually take you down!" An amused smile tugged on the corner of Draco's lips.

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that you never gave them the chance to try." Harry took one of Draco's hands in his and brought his other one up to Draco's cheek to wipe away a tear that had escaped.

"You have a good heart Draco Malfoy. I can see it. It might be hidden deep down under a lot of cockiness and snarky comments- "Draco let out a soft laugh which caused butterflies erupted in Harry's chest "-but it's there. And if you'd let me, I'd like to bring it out so that everyone else can get a chance to see it too."

"People will talk. They'll question why you would ever want to be with me."

"People always talk. I don't care what people think of me. I never have." Rather reluctantly he added; "well, anyone but you. Somehow you always managed to get under my skin." The two chuckled at the memories of their many stupid fights over the years. As Draco's laugh subsided to a small smile he took Harry's hand between his both and gently rubbed his thumb over the back of Harry's hand.

"Are you sure you want me to be your boyfriend?"

Without a second's hesitation Harry gave him a confident yes.

Draco gave Harry as big smile that made his whole face glow like the sun, leaving Harry unable to look away. Not that he ever wanted to. Especially when Draco said the words Harry had wanted to hear for what felt like ages.

"Then yes. I would love to be your boyfriend!" 

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