Chapter 23

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Harry and Draco spent many evenings in that hidden classroom after that night. One of the downsides to sharing dorms with other people was the lack of privacy, but the students of Hogwarts had their ways of getting it when needed.

To be fair, the pair did spend a lot of that time studying for final exams as well. Twice a week a big group of eight years and seventh years got together in the library and studied together. This ensured that there was always someone to ask for help in ever subject. Draco got the questions concerning Potions, Hermione got Charms, Pansy was really good at Transfigurations and much to Harry's delight, he got Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Summer was just around the corner and it was not unusual to find groups of students out on the grounds in the afternoon. With loosened ties and the top buttons undone, the students soaked up the late spring sun. When final exams finally came, Harry and his friends did well. The very last exam was Charms, and when the bell rang and Harry put down his quill, his hand was cramped up from all the writing. The Great Hall quickly erupted in chatter as soon as the parchments had been collected and they all milled out onto the grounds.

It was a sunny day, and with Draco's hand in his they lead the way down to the lake, their group of friends following closely behind.

Pansy and Hermione had developed a close bond over the last few months and were often found ingulfed in deep conversation about everything between heaven and earth. At first, this had left Ron feeling rather left out. This quickly went away as soon as he realized that Blaise was just as into Quidditch as he was and the two became the best of friends. The two were currently in a heated discussion about how much of a difference the new seeker would do for the Holly Harpies in the World Series.

The groups spread out by the lake and like many others, they intended to spend the rest of the day outside. Ron and Blaise opened up their bags and revealed a bunch of snacks that they had smuggled out of the kitchens before the last exam. Pies, cookies, fruit, sandwiches and bottles of juice were passed around and soon there were all munching away and soaking up the sun.

"So... what now?" Bread and ham visible as Ron spoke to the group. Hermione rolled her affectionately and shoved her boyfriend, telling him to close his mouth. Laughter erupted around the group and Ron's ears turned slightly pink.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked his friend, eyes avoiding Hermione's as he too had his mouth full of food as he spoke. Hermione simply sighted in mock frustration at him.

"I mean, what will we all do now? School is done. Are we just supposed to be adults now? Start working?" Ron laughed at the adults part, but Harry could tell that most of his friends felt just as much as an adult as himself... which was not at all.

Next to Hermione, Pansy took a big swing of the pumpkin juice and looked around.

"Well, I for one plan on traveling. But after that I think I'll start working at my dad's company. Someone has to run it now that he's in prison."

"I've already secured a job at the ministry as an intern" No one was very surprised that Hermione had already thought well enough ahead to get a job even before graduation. After that everyone began sharing their plans for the future. Ernie MacMillan wanted to work as a Magizoologist and Luna was going to help her dad run the Squibbler. Millicent had applied for a job at Madam Malkin's shop in Diagon Ally, Neville wanted to do some fieldwork and then apply for the job as Herbology Professor at Hogwarts and Draco wanted to apply to St Mungos as a healer and brewer.

"What about you Harry? You wanted to become an Auror, right?" Neville reached over and stole a grape from Luna as he spoke, his eyes focused on Harry.

"Yeah, I did. But now I'm not so sure..."

"What do you mean? You've always wanted to work as an Auror, Harry." Ron's eyebrows were wrinkled in confusion. Harry could feel all eyes on him and he found his cheeks growing a bit hot with the attention.

"Yeah, I have. But lately I've just felt like I'm done with this fight you know? I never wanted to fight to begin with, but I've never really had a choice. Now I do and I don't think I want to choose that path for myself." Harry could see the sympathy in the eyes of his friends, and he quickly looked down at the sandwich in his hand.

"When did you change your mind?" Neville asked him.

"And what do you plan on doing instead?" Hermione added, a look of concern on her face as Harry looked up to meet her gaze.

"I think I've felt it for a while, but it wasn't in the last few weeks that I've made up my mind for sure. And I think I'm going to apply for the job as Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor here at Hogwarts. Professor Leiton was just for a few years, since McGonagall didn't have time to find someone that was willing to take on a formerly cursed position. I'm going to speak with her now that finals are over and see if I might have a chance at getting the job in a year or two."

In the past few weeks as he had helped his friends with the studies for finals, he had found that he really enjoyed it. It had brought back so many memories from fifth year as well, and he remembered how much he had enjoyed teaching. More than that, he didn't feel ready to leave Hogwarts just yet, so teaching here would be a perfect compromise between moving forward in life, but getting to keep the best parts of the past.

The group was quiet for a while, soaking in what Harry had said. After a while Draco broke the silence as he grabbed Harry's hand in his.

"I think McGonagall would be an idiot to turn you down." A murmur of agreement erupted from his friends and Harry smiled brightly at them. Conversation soon began again, and Harry laid down with his head in Draco's lap. He took a bite of his sandwich and listened as Draco began talking to Nott about something from the potion's exam earlier that morning. Soon, Draco absentmindedly began playing with Harry's hair.

As Harry looked around his big group of friends, he couldn't keep the big smile that took over his face. For as long as he knew, Slytherins and Gryffindors had always hated each other. That was just that way things were. So, watching his friends from Gryffindor, and Draco's friends for Slytherin become one big friend group warmed his heart. There were even a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs mixed into the crowd. And looking around the halls of the school, Harry could see that their example had spread to the younger years too. It was not uncommon to see a red scarf walk hand in hand with a green one.

Harry, his friends, and basically the whole school were of course still affected by the war. There were never any stink bombs that went off in the corridors due to its loud noise, and if someone dropped a glass or plate during dinner, more than half of the students and teachers would flinch and quickly locate the source of the noise, their wands held tightly. Despite this, Harry felt happy, and he felt like his life was as normal and as safe as it had ever been. The war had brought so many bad things into his life and the life of his friends, but the aftermath had also given him Draco, and with him, so much more. For that, he was eternally grateful.

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