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"...can I hug you?"

Her breath hitched for a second as soon as the words left his mouth. The request is small but heavy. Seonghwa soon realize how direct he was and apologize afterwards.

"it's fine if you don't want to. I think I might be too straightforward jus-"

"come here." Hyurin stretch out her arms, wobbles it and without any hesitation, seonghwa goes closer to her before snaking an arm around her torso and leans his head against her shoulder. Hiding his face under her neck.

They stayed in that position for a few good minutes as she lets him clear his mind. While, she takes this opportunity to stare at him.

Despite how she didn't she expect this kind of picture would happen on her life, but she was glad that it did happen.

A soft snore was heard and she knew it was from seonghwa, her heart warms at the sight of this. Bringing up her hand and patting his silky black-haired softly, seonghwa groans when she did so.

Making the girl stops abruptly and tilts her head to see him still closing his eyes peacefully.


Nara called his phone multiple times and received decline every time she called.

"where the fuck is he?" she whispered, fumbling through her phone before clicking on seonghwa's name again.

Nara constantly hides her phone while trying to reach seonghwa but invalid, she gave up and focused on the teacher instead.


"hey seonghwa.."

Seonghwa opens his eyes, blurry at the sight then proceeds to rub to get a clearer view. He lifts his head up to meet her eyes, "how long was I asleep?" he asked with a raspy voice.

And hyurin for sure, melts at the sound. "uhm, 15 minutes? I guess...I didn't count," she honestly said.

He then removes himself from her, "sorry, you must be tired," he apologizes and she chuckled, "Nope, I didn't."

Seonghwa stood up, stretching his whole body before turning again to her. he took out his phone from his pocket, eyes widen when he saw tons of missed calls and texts.

Come clean to him.

Hongjoong's words suddenly ring on her mind making her body tensed. Seonghwa noticed her actions and tilts his head in confusion, "are you okay?"

She looks at him with shaky eyes, mouth trembling as seonghwa anticipated for her to reply.


He hums in reply, still tilting his head, waiting for her to say something.

She opens her mouth but words were stuck in her throat. Debating with herself either to confess her love for him or the stalking.

Knowing both of it has a consequence.

Seonghwa who is slowly getting impatient, speaks out first, "look if you're going to tell me something, please tell now, I'm quite the overthinker so please tell me."

he admits and his hand was on his hips, face shows how annoyed he is now. The girl's body starts to shake, slightly frighten at the boy sudden attitude.

She breathes out before saying those dangerous words,

"I like you Seonghwa so much that I'd do anything for you to be mine,"


Hongjoong gasp for air as he stops between the hallways, running was his weakness but he had to. His eyes running back and forth, searching for the certain girl.

His hand rumbles on his phone, dialing the girl's phone but only to receive an operator woman instead.

"Where are you?" he whispered while staring at his phone. Gripping the object so tight that his knuckles slowly turns white.

Suddenly, running footsteps echoed through the quiet hallways as Hongjoong turns to face with Nara, who is also in a panting condition. Like him too.

And he knows who she was searching for.

"Have you seen seonghwa?" she asked, as her chest going up and down for running. Completely breathless.

Hongjoong shrugged, both of them stand within just a few meters but they could see each other's worries plastered on their looks.

Realization suddenly hits both minds.


Hongjoong knows rooftop was the only place that could ease her mind although it was one of her traumatic places.

And nara knows that rooftop is the only place seonghwa would go whenever he had trouble with himself.

The duo immediately makes a run to the roof top without any hesitation. Without any doubts or suspicious, both of them didn't care with each other presence.

When the duo finally stood in front of the rooftop's door, they heard muffled noises and both of them are sure it belongs to them.

When hongjoong about to turn the door knob, seonghwa's voice stops him from doing so.

"...I'm quite the overthinker so please tell me"

Hongjoong and nara stares at each other while leaning their ears to the door, to listen more obviously.

Even the listener was starting to get impatient for the girl to speak.

"I like you seonghwa so much that I'd do anything for you to be mine,"

And that, it left the both of them in disbelief. Nara was about to burst in but stop when hongjoong stops her and they heard seonghwa speaks again.

The duo peeks at the hole from the door, trying to see what's happening and completely in shock when they saw them. With Hongjoong at the top while nara under him, squirming at the small space between them.

As they silent groaned and shot glares at each other before focusing back at the real scene.

The distance between Hyurin and Seonghwa is close. So close that didn't leave no space with them.

Hongjoong and Nara, couldn't lie, their hearts burn with jealousy.

A/N: short chapter ;-; im sorry ;-;

plus ending is soooooonnn and i'll unfold some of the answers on the next chap ',:)




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