4. Keebo x Kokichi - Ice cream date

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< Keebo's PoV >

"Keeboy, Keeboy! Come hang out with me, Keeboy!" Was the first thing I heard on this Sunday. I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw, was an overexcited Kokichi, who was basically laying on top of me. Our faces were only a few inches apart and he was starring me directly in the eyes, while grinning widely.

"Kokichi... it's 6 am and please get off of me." I didn't mean the last part. I wish he would stay, but if I say that, he'll think I'm weird.

"Fiiiiiine, but only if you come hang out with me" he protested, yet still started climbing off of me.

Before I could fully get up, Kokichi started dragging me out of my room. How did he even get in here in the first place?

"Kokichi, I can walk on my own, you know?" I response to this, he stopped for a second, turned towards me, said "No", turned away and kept walking, still pulling me along.

"Where are we even going?" I asked him, but he didn't respond.

A little while later, he stopped in front of an ice cream stand. "We're getting ice cream!"

"You could have said so sooner"

"No, I just decided that."

We ordered our ice cream, paid and started looking for a spot to sit. Soon, we found a park bench and sat down.

We didn't talk while eating our ice cream and I was the one to first start talking again. "Hey Kokichi, thanks for taking me with you."

He gave me a confused look. "Of course. We're friends, right? Friends spend time together."

"Yeah, friends..." What else did I expect? I'm just a robot to him, unable to feel emotions, unable to feel love.

I must've sounded very depressed, because Kokichi immediately asked what was wrong. He seemed genuinely concerned, but with him, you never know what's real and what's not. "What do you mean? Nothing is wrong." I tried my very best to lie convincingly, but of course, he saw right through me.

"I know you're lying. Keeboy, what's wrong?" He now had a serious look on his face.

I can't tell him the truth, can I? He'll know if I'm lying, so I can't lie either. "N-Nice weather, right?"

"What? don't change the subject! Tell. Me. What's. Wrong."

What am I supposed to do now? Maybe parts of the truth are enough for him? "Well, I-I like someone, but I think they only see me as a friend."

"Really? Who is the lucky person?" He seemed a bit hurt, but that was probably just my imagination. "Or is it a robot? Did you fall in love with a washing machine?"

"No, I didn't fall in love with a washing machine, it's a person. It's a really cute person."

"Come on, spit it out. If you don't I might fall asleep."

If only I could, I'm just to nervous. I can't just say it's him, but if I lie he'll know it too. "U-Um it's y-"

I was about to say it, when I suddenly heard someone snoring next to me. It was Kokichi. He looks so cute when he's sleeping, I can't even be be mad.

I sigh "It's you, Kokichi. You're the person I like."


"Kokichi? Weren't you asleep just a second ago?" Why is he awake now? Wait, did he hear what I said?

"For reals? You didn't notice I was just faking?" While saying that, he climbed onto my lap and leaned close to my face.

"Kokichi, what are you-" I was cut of by Kokichis lips kissing mine.

"I like you too, Keebaby"

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