7. Kiyotaka x Mondo - A class trial with twists and lies

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< Kiyotaka's PoV >

The second murder had taken place, Chihiro Fujisaki, the ultimate programmer. The remaining 11 students had by now gathered in the girls locker room. Her lifeless body was hanging in front of us. Another murder, another investigation, another class trial and another execution. These stupid secrets!

"Poor dude, he didn't deserve this." Mondo was the first one to speak. And with that, the investigation started.

We inspected for a few hours as best as we could, before Mondo pulled me aside.

"Hey bro, what's up?" I started the conversation.

"Hey bro..." something seemed off about him.

"Are you alright, bro? You seem down."

"I'm just a bit nervous about the class trial, don't worry about it, bro." Of course I'm worried about it! He's like a brother to me.

"You don't need to be nervous, bro. I'm sure we can do it. I'm sure we will survive. Together." We already survived the first class trial, so why wouldn't we succeed a second time.

He started nervously sweating "B-But what if only one of us can survive..."

"What are you talking about, bro? Why would only one of us survive?" The response I got was silence. What was going on? Wait-! "Are you trying to say- no, that's just not possible!"

"No matter who we vote for, one of us is gonna die. I just can't take it anymore and now I'm as good as dead anyway."

I couldn't comprehend what he had just told me. Now I now the truth of this case, before the class trial even started. "Bro..."

"I'm sorry, bro... I'm just not strong enough to get through this killing game."

I can't let this happen! I can't let Monokuma execute Mondo. He just means to much to me. He's the first friend I ever had, if not more than that... Apparently to his surprise, I pulled him into a big hug. "Why... why did you risk everything..." I whispered, barely audible.

"... and that's the whole truth. I'm sorry, bro and I'm sorry, Chihiro. He didn't deserve it." He finished telling me everything.

*ding dong, bing bong* The class trial announcement went of. I wasn't ready, I wasn't ready to give him up, I wasn't ready to face the truth.

Throughout the entire class trial, I had been quiet, but I can't keep my mouth shut much longer. Everyone is starting to wonder what's wrong, even Byakuya and Toko seem to care.

They almost uncovered the truth, they already figured out, that Chihiro was a boy. If this goes on, Mondo will be executed.

"You know who the killer is" Kyoko motivated Makoto. Did he really, or was this a bluff?

"S-Seriously?!" I need to know how far he has already come.

"Think back to the track jacket and duffel bag the killer disposed of. Focus on the details of these items, and it should become obvious who was waiting for him." Kyoko went on. How are these things clues to the culprit? I can't risk it.

"You're right, it's so clear, we don't even have to talk about it anymore. I admit it, I killed him, I killed Chihiro Fujisaki." I spouted out.

"What!?", "Huh?" and "Bro...?" Were the reactions of everyone else, the last one obviously being from Mondo.

"Taka killed him? I can't believe it!" This was coming from Hina. I have to make sure the others are convinced.

And so I began telling them, what Mondo had told me, replacing me with him, of course. "Chihiro had asked me to work out with him, he wanted to become stronger. He told me his secret a-and then I just killed him..." I have to make up a reason, what could have caused me to kill him? "...I-I was mad that he had been lying to us this whole time, I just... couldn't control myself..." They have to believe this! Is it even convincing enough? "A-and I'm so, so sorry, he didn't deserve any of it, he didn't..." I kept telling them everything, I was even semi-confident that they'd believe me by now, until I saw Mondo. He was just staring at the floor a-and was that a tear in his eye? "Now, it's time to vote, right Monokuma?" I didn't want to delay this further, I had to get this over with before anyone sees through my lie.

"Wait! Wait! You can't vote yet! H-He's lying! He didn't do it! He would never-!" he screamed. Mondo...

"It must be hard to believe for you, more than for anyone else, but there are no contradictions with what we already figured out." Kyoko said, as unfazed as ever.

"Of course there are no fucking contradictions, cause that's exactly what happened, but not with him! I told him this story! I did it, not him!" Mondo was very angry now.

"I don't wanna believe it either, but that's just how it is." Hiro refuted his statement.

Just as Mondo wanted to speak up again, Monokuma announced the voting time. I did it... He's gonna get out of here... No one figured out the truth...

Monokuma announced the results: "Puhuhuhuhu... Impressive, you're wrong! You're all wrong, well all except Mondo. It's ironic, that the killer is the only one who voted correctly, is it not? Mondo Owada killed Chihiro Fujisaki and it wasn't even the killer who tricked you, you all fell for Taka's lie! Ahahaha!" Nine people were shoked, Monokuma was very amused, Mondo had a mixture of disappointment and despair written in his face, and I was glad... It worked! I made my way over to Mondo.

"Congrats on your graduation!"

"Why... why, why, why, why, why, why, WHY?! WHY DID YOU LIE TO EVERYONE?!"

Why is he so mad, he survives, he won't get executed. "To protect you, of course. I would have never forgiven myself if they voted for you. If I had to choose between living without you, or tricking everyone else into voting for the wrong person, well... you saw what I'd pick and I'd gladly do it again."

He pulled me into a hug. "I-I just can't be grateful, I can't except that you'll be gone."

"Well, I wouldn't want lived without you, Mondo."

"B-But I don't want to live without you either, you damn idiot!" What? I matter to him that much?

By now, tears were rolling down our cheeks uncontrolably.

"I'm sorry to have to ruin this moment, but we're gonna have a lot of punishments, so why don't we start with the one responsible for all your deaths? I've prepared a very special punishments for Kyiotaka Ishimaru, the ultimate moral compass. Puhuhu, guess you droped your morals for once." Monokuma chimed in, happier than ever.

In shock, Mondo let go of me. "No! You can't do this!"

"Wha? Why not? It's his own fault anyway. Now, let's give it everything we've got! It's punishment time!"

"T-Taka..." Mondo turned to me and gave me a weak smile "You're a fuckin' idiot, you know that?"

"Maybe you're right..."

We hugged for one last time. "I love you" I whispered before I was dragged away.

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