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You looked at Yu as she kept looking at you. She cocked an eyebrow as she turned around and leaned against the bar. She flipped her hair and looked back at you and winked.

Yu: I know I'm that good looking but come on. Use your words.

You shook your head, clearing your throat as you did. You tried to regain some focus on the woman standing in front go you.

(Y/N): My bad. Just couldn't resist.

Yu chuckled again as she turned to look out to the rest of the bar.

Yu: So, about that dance?

You took a bite from your food and looked over at her. You shrugged and went back to eating your food, not really caring about dances. You looked at her and she winked again. You took another bite from your meal and she rolled her eyes at you and got up. She wrapped her arms around you and looked at your food.

Yu: Looks good. Mind if I have a bit?

(Y/N): Yeah. I do. I haven't eaten anything all day.

Yu: Don't be so rude. When was the last time a woman came onto you.

(Y/N): Depends. When was the last time you came for someone else? I'm betting it was pretty recently.

Yu: What's that supposed to mean?

You rolled your eyes and kept eating your food. Yu rolled her eyes and walked around her and brushed her hand up against your shoulder and she smiled at you.

Yu: You should act now before I get going. And you're going to miss out on all of this fun.

(Y/N): I'll pass for now. Let me finish up here.

Yu: And then I'm gone. Maybe next time sexy.

Yu began to walk off as you reached out to her. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.

(Y/N): Damn it. Oh well. Whatever. Plenty of fish somewhere. Speaking of, BARKEEP! Some fish for the road! I'm hungry!

Before you had the chance to even eat at all, an explosion came from outside. Your eyes widened as you got from your seat, took off your street clothes to reveal your costume and ran outside of the bar. You looked around and saw a small gang blow up a convenience store. Explosion were clearly illegal. You cracked your neck and ran in. Due to the close and convenient location of the store compared to the bar, you were able to use your quirk and take most of the robbers out.

You stood in front of the store and used your quirk to create fans and blow the air away, taking out the fires. You then ran inside and began to look around for anyone left inside. You found a few citizens and quickly grabbed them and got them outside. You scanned around several buildings to see if anyone else was in danger. You then heard cracking of metal and some more screaming.


You saw Mt. Lady, in full giant size, carry a helicopter down to the ground and pushed it downwards. From inside, four men stumbled out, each groaning in pain as they rolled away. You cocked an eyebrow as Mt. Lady shrunk herself down to your size.

Mt. Lady: Hey. Fancy meeting you here.

(Y/N): Likewise. What was that all about?

Mt. Lady: These guys work with the robbers. This was there getaway vehicle.

(Y/N): A helicopter? Really?

Mt. Lady: Weird right. Where do these guys get funding for something like that?

You rolled your eyes and walked inside the rubble. Mt. Lady cocked an eyebrow and followed. You looked around the hull of the copter and went down on a knee and began to look around. You felt along the busted up floor of the vehicle until you felt a crack not caused by Mt. Lady crushing the thing. You felt a click and a small compartment flipped open. You looked inside and nodded.

Mt. Lady X Male Reader: Double LivesWhere stories live. Discover now