Trying Things Out

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Around three or four weeks had passed since the initial raid onto Devastator's lair with the successful capture of Maximal. Despite all things, Kamui Woods was really heading the investigation charge more and anyone else. So, you were given some down time on this whole issue. Still, you had some missions to run here and there and things to do on top of things. Including building a relationship with Yu Takeyama. That was one of the harder ones honestly. And it wasn't for the reasons many would think.

You loved spending time with Yu, whether it was going out to dinner at a local cafe, walking through a park or otherwise, it just made things fun for the two of you. It was genially a fun time for both you and her. It was the media part that got to the two of you and really drove your heroic counterparts to argue a bit more and more. The media loved the fact that Speedstreek and Mt. Lady were seen more and more together, mostly working with each other on some small robbery or villain stopping.

It was kinda annoying since many then began to theorize that the two of you were dating and...yeah. They were kinda right. I mean, it was a few times that you both were asked directly to which neither you or Yu commented on the matter. Regardless, aside from that one bit of annoyance, you and Yu were still having fun with the relationship. And tonight was going to be no different. You appeared at her apartment with a small bouquet of flowers you picked up along the walk and when she opened the door, you smiled and handed her the flowers.

Mt. Lady: Well then, what's all this?

(Y/N): Just something I thought would be nice.

Mt. Lady: I was thinking a more relaxed night.

(Y/N): Works for me.

Mt. Lady: And dinner is going to be kinda light and-

(Y/N): Yu. It's good. No worries.

Mt. Lady: I just want to make sure, (Y/N).

(Y/N): No worries then.

Yu smiled as she walked over and grabbed two bowls of ramen and looked at you.

Mt. Lady: Kitchen or living room?

(Y/N): Open to either one.

Mt. Lady: Living room then.

You walked over to the couch with her beside you. You were the first to sit down with Yu joining you. She cuddled up to you and handed you the bowl of ramen which you began to eat. You wrapped an arm around your girlfriend and brought her closer to your person and just watched some TV. Again, these were some of the rare moments of peace between you two and you loved it. As you guys were just relaxing, a news report came on once the game show was over with. Yu reached out and was about to change the channel until the sixth headliner emerged.

Reporter: And Heroic Love? Mt. Lady and Speedstreek. Similar stories and similar locations. What are they hiding?

(Y/N): Oh come on. How is this news?

Mt. Lady: This is Entertainment Nightly. What did you expect?

(Y/N): American pop culture?

Mt. Lady: Fair point. But still.

(Y/N): Change it?

Mt. Lady: I want to hear what they are saying?

(Y/N): Really? It's the same story every single time.

Mt. Lady: Maybe we should go public with this stuff?

(Y/N): And let the gossip magazines into our lives and give us no privacy at all. And besides, I'm here for you, not Mt. Lady. Can't stand her.

Mt. Lady X Male Reader: Double LivesWhere stories live. Discover now