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You and Mt. Lady descended into the building that was the source of a block-wide blackout. You glanced around as you walked through the building. It wasn't much of anything but a normal-looking office building. A few cubicles, a small kitchen area, which looked like a CEO's office. You sighed as you kept looking around the rooms. Mt. Lady was investigating another part of the building, leaving you to the first floor. You kneeled down slid your fingers along the ground to pick up some ash. You took out a vile and slipped the ash inside and secured it to a pouch along your hip while taking out an energy bar.

You sighed and stood back up and cracked your neck. You looked around the room some more until Mt. Lady jumped from the stairs to land beside you.

(Y/N): Anything?

Mt. Lady: Nothing out of the ordinary.

(Y/N): That's the point. They're covering their tracks. It's how we find those tracks that matter.

You kept looking around the area, trying to find something that could lead you to your targets. You walked past a bookshelf and looked along at some cubicles. You saw one with lights on and silently walked over to it. You quickly rounded the corner to attack whoever was there until you saw Mt. Lady logged on and working through files.

(Y/N): What are you-

Mt. Lady: Investigating. Seeing what these offices do when they are on hours or what they do to create power surges.

(Y/N): Mhm. Not bad.

Mt. Lady: I'm a rookie. Same as you. Doesn't mean I'm incompetent.

(Y/N): Never said you were.

Mt. Lady: Not directly.

You rolled your eyes as Mt. Lady pulled up some files here and there. Some of them were about finances of the company stationed here, others were a chemical formula for quirk extraction and-

(Y/N): Wait! Back that up! That chemical formula. Alpha-J-68!

Mt. Lady: How do you even remember what it was-

(Y/N): Doesn't matter. Go back to it.

Mt. Lady did as you said and returned to the previous file. The formula for quirk extraction. Something that could mitigate the presence and energy output of a quirk so much that it was virtually non-existent. Experimental treatment. Developed by one Dr. Mekanikku. Meant to be used on villains from Tartarus.

Mt. Lady: What...what is all of-

(Y/N): Quirk sterilization. Put it simply.

Mt. Lady: Why would someone at a finical office have a chemical formula meant to sterilize quirks?

(Y/N): Unless this data doesn't even belong to this company at all.

Mt. Lady: Then why would it be here at-

A low bumping sound is heard around the room. You and Mt. Lady look at one another as you step away from the cubicle and cracked your neck. You looked around and grabbed a pen from the desk and tossed it up into the air. When it hit the ceiling and then the group, two different sounds were made.

(Y/N): Whatever that was, it didn't come from upstairs. There's someone below us.

Mt. Lady: And what makes you so certain?

(Y/N): If it came from upstairs, I doubt something that loud would take so quickly to pick back up again. So, with that different sound, it deduces that the object came from downstairs.

Mt. Lady: And how do we get down there.

You looked at her and gestured to the ground. She cocked an eyebrow at you as you kept up the gesture. She just kept the confused scowl until you sighed and walked over to her.

Mt. Lady X Male Reader: Double LivesWhere stories live. Discover now