Chapter 8: The lotus had began its first bloom

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The court sang praises of the young lieutenant Lanwangji whose performance was inviting praises from everywhere. Not only did he save the Qinghe border state, he had also captured an important army general of the opposing kingdom.

After fourteen days of road travel on horseback, Lanwangji once again stepped foot at his hometown, Yan An the capital city of Qi kingdom. After handing off the prisoner to the jurisdiction of the second prince, Lanwangji rode his horse back home. He was exhausted and planned to rest before reporting to court the next day.

At the Lan manor, The spring weather was still cold and the large garden scape was a sight to behold. In the middle of the garden stood a large lotus pond. A square pavilion stood against the lush background of the vast lotus pond. In this pavilion that was surrounded by water, the garden view is the most beautiful. A white stone bridge connected the main garden to the square pavilion that stood in the middle of the pond. The water was deep cloudy emerald and the lotus flower stalk stood proudly on her lush green leaves skirting the surface of the water. The bunch of them were mostly still in budding stage and few had managed to open into a premature bloom. Thin remnants of winter fog blurred the water surface beneath them. Nevertheless, the numerous stalks holding the flower bud danced wildly like butterflies in springtime.

Madame Lan sat on the stone stools on the pavilion over looking the beautiful pond of the Lan manor. She had two attendants by her side pouring apple blossom tea and serving sweet osmanthus cakes. The Lans were a powerful family and occupy one of the biggest plot of land in the city. Madame Lan who was a princess before marrying LanHongDe had the most exquisite taste. She was the one who commissioned the beautiful garden to be built. The result of her extremely high standard was a structure so beautiful it was on par with the summer palace gardens in Suzhou. 

She looked at the embroidery needlework on her hand. The lotus buds began to take shape and she was adding pink blushes to the curved petals.

"Madam, Langongzi is back!!" The sound of the servant shattered the tranquil atmosphere she was enjoying. However, it was great news so she tidied up her work and proceeded to the main hall to meet her beloved son.

It had been a lonely six months without his presence. She was looking forward to meeting him again.

"Mother I am back." Lanwangji greeted her as she entered the main hall. The dashing young man donned a military armor of black and silver. He carried with him a deep aura of calm countenance. He was no longer the small child who would run and hug to his mother over minute things. After all, the first battle always changed one's composure and demeanor.


His mother calmly stood up and held his cheeks.

"It's been six months. Let me look at you son, you've grown thinner."

"Tell me did the military feed you well?"

"Naturally not as well as you did mother."

Hearing this, his mother smiled happily. She proceeded to order the kitchen staff to make his favorite dishes.

"So what is happening at home mother?"

"Ohh ever since the news of your Qinghe campaign victory, the noble ladies have come to visit our manor. They came to introduce their daughters and bring gifts. Listen son, now that you are twenty years old, mother will help you choose a good bride."

"But mother, I have just started my military career."

"Nonsense. Your father married me when he was eighteen."

"If I were to marry anyone, I wont be able to stay by her side. She would not be happy this way."

"Nonsense my dear, it is normal for the men to serve his country and career. If she stays here she could bear you children and take care of them."

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