Chapter 15: Heart beats like rain drops

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Lanwangji woke up to the sound of a golden oriole singing its signature melodious tune. The air was colder than he had remembered. A strong smell of medicine wafted in the air around him. He tried to get up slowly and a wave of dizziness swept across him. He studied his surroundings. He was lying on a humble wooden bed in a humble house- probably a villager's house. His wounds were dressed and his clothes had been changed. He felt like he had been asleep for a long time and had a nice dream. 

Lanwangji remembered fighting a bunch of bandits and was about to win before they pulled a dirty trick on him. That was right! He was poisoned. It was a common poison administered by the Wens who were infamous in the whole four kingdoms for their medicinal skills, as well as their ability to concoct strange poisons. He had been too reckless and had not guarded himself against it. They were about to kill him. Someone came to save him. Someone with a strong martial arts background. Someone familiar. The scent of magnolia... Weiying! She was all he had dreamed about. Her warmth, her scent, her presence, her lips..

He moved his fingers and traced his lips.

"Weiying! Weiying!" He shouted suddenly recalling something important.

An elderly woman of about fifty years old entered the room he was in. She had a hunchback and held bowl of steaming black liquid on one hand. Her movements were slow and careful.

"Daozhang, you are awake? Drink this medicine."

He took the bowl from her slightly shaking hand. It was steaming hot and he quickly placed it on the bamboo stool by the bedside. He wondered how she managed to carry it normally.

"Thank you Madam. Where is this place? How did I get here? Where is Weiying?"

"Speak slowly.. So many questions! Young people are so impatient nowadays!"

Her voice was slightly hoarse and carrying the typical tone of someone her age.

"I'm sorry. Where is this place? How did I get here?"

Ohh.. We're on Jin mountain. My husband and I collect herbs in these mountains and bring it to the village to sell it. Someone brought you here two days ago.

"Who? Was that a girl?"

"Noo.. noo.. How could a girl carry a big man like yourself! It was a man. He said he was a relative. He left me medicine and a gold bar to take care of you."

"So he left?"

"Yes he said he had something to do. So he left you in our care."

"Did he say his name?"


"So many questions young lad. Hmmmph.. Lemme sit down.. She took the bowl of medicine from the bamboo stool and gave it to Lanzhan and sat herself down."

"Drink this while its hot! That man said you have to recuperate fast."

"We didn't want to take you in at first but that lad insisted and begged us to. My husband and I are old. We can't take care of a grown man. We barely could take care of ourselves."

Lanzhan drank the black shiny liquid. The bitterness stung his tongue yet he felt that he had drank it before. He quickly swallowed the bitterness down his throat to avoid the strong sting in his tongue.

"But you dressed my wounds and took care of me so thank you."

"No it wasn't me. Your relative took care of you. He left this morning."

Lanzhan stood up.

"Was he this tall?"

"Yes he was slightly shorter than you. About that tall."

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