Chapter 11: The day I married him

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On the day of the wedding, Weiying got up earlier than usual. In the distance he could still hear the whistling of the crickets and clapping sounds of cicadas one after another as if they were communicating in their own language. It was early dusk and the sky was still dark. Mingyu had prepared a flower bath in the side room. The whole bath water had been submerged with flowers and herbs. When he entered, strong steam of fragrance engulfed his senses. The air was damp and slightly foggy due to the hot steam from the big wodden tub that contained the richly flavored water.

Mingyu knew her mistress was extremely particular about privacy during bathtime so she waited outside the room for her to finish.

Weiying soaked himself in the cloudy water and relaxed under its comforting warmth. There was magnolia, cedarwood, barley and other flowers floating around him. Their smell was so strong and rich it gave him a dizzy spell.

He sat himself down and stretched the length of his legs. The tip of his toes were touching the wall of the tub. He tilted his head backward resting it on the opposite edge of the tub. The Flowers in the cloudy water reached his chest. If only he had a full chest, the scene would be somewhat erotic. He wondered if his new husband would mind his flatness.. But then there was that other problem - the male organ below that he could not hide. The wedding would end at consummation. He shuddered at the thought.

When he got out of the bath, flowers and herbs were stuck to his skin and he had to carefully dust them off with his fingers. Mingyu had laid out his new inner wear that she picked out for him during the shopping spree with her mother. It was a pale blue silk satin that felt extremely light and soft to his skin.

He entered the main room and Mingyu was already waiting with two other attendants. They helped powder his face and fix his hair.

His hair was tied to a high bun and golden headress made of phoenix and precious stones was placed on his head. They helped him wear the intricate heavy brocade of crimson.

When it was finished, Weiying stared at his reflection in the yellow tinted copper mirror.

He was slightly embarassed by the feminine celestial beauty staring back at him. His wedding brocade was carefully embroidered with beautiful golden phoenixes dancing in the flames of color. He nailed the role of an elegant bride whose outer appearance was flawless. His beauty unsurpassed by most maiden in the kingdom. Looking at his appearance in the copper mirror, Weiying wanted to cry. He had wanted to marry a beautiful bride himself. But fate was indeed twisted and cruel. Although born with such beauty that most maiden lacked, he was to marry a man.

Mingyu opened the windows and early morning sunshine had entered the room. They could hear bustling noises outside as the servants of the manor were running around busily preparing for the wedding day.

Two beautiful young maiden of about fifteen and sixteen entered the room. They wore beautiful matching gowns of pink and green.

"AYing jiejie.... you are so pretty!!! I wish I'm as pretty as you when I get married!" the older of the two girls said.

They were his little sisters whom he loved dearly.

"Nonsense. When you get married in two years, you'll surely be more beautiful than this jiejie."

"Jiejie I'm really going to miss you." The younger of the two girls gave him a hug and started to sob.

"Wanping, jiejie will come to visit you sometime, its not like we wont see eachother anymore."

"But you were only here for a short while. I haven't seen you for two years and now.. you're leaving again."

"Listen girls, when big sis is not around, please be good, listen to father and mother."

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