Chapter 24: Cavern

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*I would like to thank all my faithful readers for patiently waiting for this chapter and those who have voted and commented. I love you all! Thank you! Your love had kept me motivated enough to continue onwards. Without further ado, please enjoy.

Chapter 24: Cavern

By the time they reached the cave, the light from the horizon had slowly faded away. Heavy clouds of dark grey could be seen looming overhead. Soon, sparks of lightning illuminated their surrounding in short flashes, accompanied by echoes of thunder crackling into the sky. They had made it inside the cave before the first drop of rain fell to the ground.

Lanzhan lit a torch and suddenly there was a loud screeching sound followed by an ambush sweeping past their heads. Weiying was jolted awake and Lanzhan swung his torch above his head and to his sides.


They weren't afraid of humans, but they feared the heat and light from the torch. They quickly flew past them out of the cave in large groups.

"Weiying? You okay?"

Although it was not a major threat, it still came as a surprise and Weiying even sweated a little.

"I'm fine. *cough cough...

Lanzhan put me down. I can walk by myself."

It was harder to navigate in dark places carrying the weight of two people. So General Lan finally put down his wife.

The rain pattered mercilessly outside. The dampness from the rain seemed to swallow the bitter cold, keeping the air humid and a tad warmer.

Weiying straightened his feet and found it had been numbed from the lack of movements. Yet he had been tired being stuck in that same position for hours on Lanzhan's back so the standing posture was a relief to his somewhat sore legs.

They took refuge in the warmth of the cave's enclosure. Holding a torch on one hand, Lanzhan navigated his way in the dark tunnel of space. The cave route had twists and turns and sometimes they would encounter a fork on the path. Lanzhan walked quickly with abnormal confidence as if he had been here before. For a moment, Weiying was worried about getting lost.

"Lanzhan, are you good with routes?"

"Don't worry. My luck is pretty good I'd say."


Weiying briefly turned to look back at the entrance of the cave. It was already out of sight since they had walked many twists and turns. However, the humming sound of the rain continued to reverberate inside. They had no other choice but to remain here for the night.

Maybe there would be another exit somewhere.

They came upon a clearing and there was that pond that Weiying mentioned earlier.

Weiying took out the map from his satchel.

According to this, there is another pathway leading out from the mountain. The cave was like a hollow carved at the foot of the mountain. If it was correct, then following the path across the mountain would take them to another side, which was Mu village- the border between Qi and Wen territory.

The cave soon opened into a bigger space. The ceiling retracted higher up. Bats were hissing above. This cave became a refuge for the small animals due to its warmth in comparison to the bitter cold air outside. Yes. The hot spring should be close by. That was why the animals were crowded here. Soon, they spotted the pond that they were looking for. The bats were scarcer in this area. The air was less humid and warm than Weiying had anticipated.

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