5. The Ancient Ruins

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You, Fuyuhiko, and the others come across an ancient ruins.


1,424 words

Posted 2020-06-04

Updated 2020-06-04

This chapter is also only one scene, but longer at least :)

I took some liberties here, but don't worry! While I deviate slightly from canon a little, I do try to keep the integrity of the story, plot, and characters! If I don't, feel free to let me know! :)


It has been four days since you arrived on this island. Byakuya is dead. Teruteru is dead. And Fuyuhiko and Nagito are missing from breakfast.

Considering Fuyuhiko didn't show up to breakfast the previous day and rejected your invitation to Byakuya's party, Fuyuhiko's absence was to be expected, but not Nagito's. His hope filled antics got both Byakuya and Teruteru killed, and you didn't need another madman on the loose in addition to Monokuma, Monomi, and the four giant mechs—

—Make that three.

At breakfast today, Monomi showed up claiming to have defeated the giant tiger mech guarding the bridge to the second island. With a whole new island accessible to you all, you all decided to search it for clues. Besides, maybe Fuyuhiko and Nagito were on that island, too.

You didn't end up finding Nagito, but you did encounter Fuyuhiko munching on a hamburger at the diner. Much to your surprise, he agreed to cooperate in helping you look for clues. Together, you, Fuyuhiko, and the twelve other students gathered at the only location on the second island that you hadn't searched yet, the ancient ruins next to the library.

The ancient ruins looked so out of place with the rest of the establishments on the island. Unlike the well-maintained diner, beach house, pharmacy, and library, the ruins were covered in sand, dirt, and dust. Giant trees emerged from its roofs, and the rest of it was overtaken by roots, vines, brambles, and various other wild overgrowth. Fallen rocks and debris flanked the entrance, and one tree was wrapped around the building in such a way that looked like it had squeezed the life out of it. Judging by the size of the it, the ruins itself must be at least a thousand years old.

However, even covered in dust and foliage, the structure vaguely reminded you of Hope's Peak Academy with its central edifice towering over you. What was even more odd was that, upon closer inspection, the door to the ruins looked industrially manufactured. You all cleared the dirt and vines off it to reveal a metal manhole that looked like something out of a Star Wars film.

On it were the Japanese characters for future, mirai, as well as a liquid crystal display, and a conspicuous contraption affixed to the side of the door.

Mahiru is the first to comment. "It looks like there's a liquid crystal display on the door...Do you think the two could be related?"

"Oh, right!" Fuyuhiko adds. "That must be the key to open the door! It's probably set to open when you type in the password!"

"So?" Hiyoko sneers. "It's obviously impossible to put in the password without any hints!"

"...If we just type in whatever...we might get it right..." he explains.

You think. "If it's a matter of guessing, then...maybe Nagito's ultimate lucky student talent could help! We just need to find him first..."

"Who needs that bastard!?" Akane steps in, walking up to the door. "Leave it to me!" Before anyone can protest, she begins rapidly punches numbers into the keypad.

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