8 Twilight Syndrome Murder Case

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Sooo, I ended up splitting this chapter into two shorter chapters ^^; I had originally intended to include all of investigation 2-2 into this one chapter, but I think splitting it this way makes it flow better.  Also, I will continue to title this Love!  Love! instead of L!L!  Thank you to both my returning and new readers for all your views, votes, comments, and follows! :)

- Italicized text = emphasis / sound effects / inner dialogue / in-game TSMC text

Posted: 2020-10-12

Updated: 2020-10-12

You play Twilight Syndrome Murder Case.


After you had finished investigating the beach house, Chiaki and Hajime escorted you to Jabberwock Park to play Twilight Syndrome Murder Case. You played through the "2nd" and "4th" days of the Investigation Edition, in which you learned that two high school girls were killed—an unnamed character and Girl E—before getting a game over. Now you are about to start playing through the "Truth Edition" of the game.

You press the start button at the title screen and begin the Truth Edition of the game on the "0th day", which opens to a scene outside the school, where two characters are walking together: a boy and a girl.

"This is my favorite part," Chiaki says to your right.

Girl G: Man! That school trip sure was fun!

Guy F: Yeah? You liked it?

Girl G: Of course I did! Didn't you?

Why do I feel like I've seen this before? you think to yourself.

Guy F: Yeah, I did. It was...fun. What was your favorite part?

Girl G's character model strikes a pose to think.

Girl G: Hmm...The day at the beach was fun!...So were the ruins!...And the concert!...And the theme park!...And—

The screen of the arcade machine flashes white for a moment.

Guy F: —...Huh?

Girl G: —Is something wrong?

Guy F: ...No...I thought I saw something. Let's go.

The boy and the girl walk off-screen, leaving you with a strange sense of déjà vu. As the scene ends, the game transitions to the "1st Day", where you are back to controlling the character, Girl A, like in the first edition of the game. Playing as her, you meet up with the girls, Girls B, C, and D, in the entrance hall.

Girl B: Finally! We were waiting all day for you, slowpoke! We're going to end up getting home late because of you!

Girl D: C'mon, Girl B. You don't have to be that mad.

The screen flashes white again.

Girl B: Heeey, don't go taking photos without permission! People might mistake us for good friends!

Girl A: I-I'm not your friend!?

Girl B: Whaaat!? There's no way I'd ever be friends with a nasty, trashy, pigshit like you!

This game was starting to feel really strangely familiar to you.

Girl C: Tahaaa! The way Girl B treats people, even loan sharks looking to collect would get sick to their stomachs!

Girl A's character's head swivels around.

Girl A: Huh...Is Girl E here yet?

Girl D: No. Apparently, Girl E can't find her swimsuit. She went back to look for it. She told us to wait here just a little bit longer.

You continue to press through the prompts of dialogue as the girls resume their banter as they wait for Girl E to show up.

Girl B: So, what did you want to show us, Girl D?

Girl D: Well, I was going to wait for Girl E to come back, but I guess I can show you now.

Girl D's character extends her hand toward the others.

Girl D: Look at whom I saw together while I was taking photos for my portfolio yesterday!

Girls B's, C's, and D's character models shuffle closer to Girl D.

Girl D: Girl G and Guy F!

Girl A: W-Wow! They made a good couple!

Girl D: I know, right!? I just couldn't resist, ya' know. I think it's my best shot yet!

Girl C: Girl C is getting jealous!

Girl B: Ew, gross!


Just then, you hear an audio clip that sounds like breaking glass. Still playing as Girl A, you and the other girls follow its source to the music room on the second floor, where you find the dead body of the first high school victim from the Investigation Edition. Then, the game transitions to the third day. On the third day, Girl E confesses to killing the first victim to Girl D, who agrees to keep her crime a secret and get rid of all her digital photo evidence linking Girl E to the crime.

Girl E throws the photo of the broken vase away and runs off-screen. And then, Guy F enters the scene. He picks up the photo that he saw Girl E throw away, and soon comes to the same conclusion that Girl D came to: that Girl E killed the first victim, his little sister. He repeats to himself that he will never forgive her, and then Girl G runs on-screen and stops behind Guy F.

Girl G: Guy F, wait! We can report this to the police and let them handle this!

Guy F: Stay out of this.

Girl G: I will if you call the police.

Guy F: I said stay out of this! I won't say it again!

Girl G takes a step back from Guy F.

Girl G: ...If you don't call the police, then...I will.

Girl G moves her hand, and you hear a series of beeps as if a phone number is being dialed. While a dial tone sounds, a dialogue box labeled with three question marks but devoid of any accompanying dialogue text pops up. You press the action button to advance the prompt, but the tone immediately cuts off, and the screen turns black, followed by a loud thud sound effect.

When the screen's image returns, you are greeted with a colorful "Game Cleared!" screen, and the credits roll. Your eyes go wide at the cast names.

There, along with the names "Tsumuki", "Siaonji", "Mioda", "Koizumi", "Sato", and two "Kuzuryu"'s, is your surname.

You are left staring at the screen as the credits end.

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