A Chess Game Interrupted

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Saturday was the day loved most by any Welton attendant. A day on which one was free to spend their time however they wished to, and a unique one at that. Sundays were, of course, considered 'free days' as well, but Welton's 'good christian boys' had to sit through a church meeting every Sunday, so Saturdays were naturally much prefered. 

Steven Meeks often spend his weekends doing homework, as the ambitious student that he was, or working on little projects with Pitts. This Saturday, however, was different. All his Latin had been studied, his essays finished, and they had gotten the radio to work just about a week ago. It was only 10 in the morning that he sat in the recreation room, wearing a white blouse and playing chess against Neil, overcome with boredom already. "Rook to b4, taking your bishop." Stated Neil as he watched the redhead zoning out. "Are you feeling alright, Meeks? You normally never make such rook-ie mistakes." He chuckled, though the question was sincere. "Hm? Oh, I'm just bored, is all. I can't even find the motivation to actually focus on our game." He sighed. 

Right then Knox interrupted their conversation, leaning over Steven's shoulder. "I know exactly what you need." He stated. "I'm going over to Ridgeway, I heard the cheerleaders are gonna perform in the parade today. You should come with me, it'll keep you busy for a while!" He exclaimed excitedly. The boy thought about it for a moment, not really fancying the idea of leaving school grounds. "I don't know, Knox... Knight to e6." He mumbled, fidgeting with a white pawn he had captured from Neil earlier in the game. "Common, Meeks, it'll be fun! Charlie's going too, aren't you Charlie?" He yelled over to the other side of the room. "There's women to be wooed at Ridgeway, of course I'm gonna be there! Can't keep those poor girls longing forever!" The womanizer yelled back. "Is Pittsie going?" Meeks asked. "He said he is if you are." Steven shrugged. "Alright then, I got nothing better to do anyways." Neil made an indignant noise and a vague hand gesture to their game at his comment. The other shrugged again. "Neil, you in?" Knox asked, now turned to the boy sitting on the other side of the table, though still leaning on Meeks. "I'm gonna have to pass, I promised Todd I'd help him study for Algebra. Rook to b1." Came his answer "Suit yourself, then." Knox said as he made his way to the door, where Charlie now stood leaning against its frame. "Meeks, you coming?" He said impatiently. "Yeah, yeah, I'm right behind you!" He yelled in their direction. "Bishop to h5, and checkmate." Meeks winked as he quickly grabbed his coat from the back of the chair and followed the others out of the recreation room.

In the hallway, Gerard Pitts stood waiting for them, wearing his woolen brown coat, his hands in his pockets. He gave Meeks a nod as a way of saying hello, and pushed himself from the wall he had previously been leaning against. "Cameron didn't wanna come?" Meeks asked. "Nah, said he was gonna go fencing with Kurt." "Alright, I'll just go grab my jacket and then we can go." 

It was now noticably autumn outside. The days were getting shorter and it rained more often than not. Luckily, today was a sunny one, and Charlie had come prepared. "Behold," he said proudly, whipping out a pair of large, black shades from his pocket. "The glasses of seduction." Chuckles arose from the others. "I reckon the women will surely be swooning now, Charlie!" Gerard joked. "Laugh all you want, you won't be when I've got ahold of a sweet girl thanks to these babies." Charlie spoke as he slipped on his shades. "Enough fooling around, let's go!" Said Knox impatiently. "We get it, Knoxious, you can't wait to see the love of your life again." Meeks commented, grabbing the keys to Knox's bike that were dangling from the boy's fingers and, with the keys in his possession, running ahead of the rest. "Hey! Give those back! And she will be mine, I just know it!" Knox yelled as he chased after him, the other two soon pursuing them.

Out of breath, they reached their bikes that were stalled in an apart compartment. Not all of the Welton boys had bikes, in fact, Meeks didn't have his one brought with him to the school. He normally never used it here anyway. He threw the stolen keys back to their owner, who barely caught them. "I'll just lift with Pitts this time." "Again? You're not as light as you think you are, you know that?" Meeks pretended to be offended by that. "I would give you a ride, if your legs didn't constantly drag on the ground!" "Just get on already." Gerard chuckled.

And so, four boys on three bikes rode to Ridgeway High School on a sunny autumn morning.

Poetry for Three (Steven Meeks x reader x Gerard Pitts)Where stories live. Discover now