A Battle of Beauty and Strength

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Contains Smut, also slight 1950s (internalised) homophobia, also contains the f-slur (I'm not straight, don't worry).

Meeks was trying his very best to focus on his Latin, but Gerard, who was spread out on his bed, his arms folded under his head, kept distracting him with his constant rambling. He had the habit of talking out loud when he was thinking. "Her movements like a summer's breeze.. Is that too cliche? Steven, help me out here!" The taller boy was trying to come up with a poem for the assignment mr. Keating had given them, and he was having the hardest time wording his thoughts. Meeks had already finished his, but wouldn't let him have a look at it, however hard he pleaded. "You'll just have to wait and see." Steven had smirked as Gerard had offered him his dessert in exchange for a glance at his poem. He'd really put some effort into it, staying up late at night just to find the right words.

"Who are you writing about, anyway?" Meeks asked, to which the other grinned in response. "That girl we met, uh- (y/n), I think. I don't know what it is about her, but it felt like I was enchanted by her." "You're becoming quite the romantic poet." Steven chuckled.


"Mr. Meeks, you're up next!" Keating exclaimed, making room for the redhead to perform his poem. Nervously, Steven strode up to the front of the class, a crumpled piece of paper in his hand. Gerard's eyes were glued to him, curious as to what his poem was about, and why he had been so very secretive of it. He cleared his throat and began reading out his poem. 

"The dual of kind, from where I point, to where I anchor. Beauty battles strength, yet beauty is found in strength, likewise strength in beauty. If not beauty or strength, then let me journey to the stars."

His heart was racing, he felt like an open book, gazed upon by his classmates. Keating was analysing him, it seemed. His eyes trained upon him with a curious gaze. "Very beautiful, mr. Meeks, thank you for sharing that with us. You see boys? Even the most prestigious student can turn into a true romantic in the wink of an eye. Smith, your turn!" Relief washed over him as he sat back down at his desk. He thought the meaning behind his poem would have been blatantly obvious, but his classmates didn't seem to give his work any thought, which Steven was quite thankful for. 


"So, what was that poem about?" Grinned Pitts as they were walking to their dorm room, literature having been the last class of the day. "I'm not going to tell you, Ger. If you don't get it, you probably won't like it." "You're being unnecessarily cryptic with me, Meeks." Gerard joked.

"Damnit, Pitts, it's about women! It's about men!" The taller boy stared at him in visible confusion. "I'm-" he suddenly realised how loud he was talking, and quickly lowered his voice to a whisper. "I'm bisexual, Gerard. That's what the poem's about!" The other's face was blank. "I don't know what that means." He stated sheepishly. "Think, genius. You're good at Latin, aren't you? What does the word bi translate to?" "Two, I know that, but 'two-sexual'? Two, wait- oh. Oh." Realisation seemed to dawn upon him. "Yeah, 'oh'." Meeks said, starting again towards their dorm, leaving behind a dumbfounded Gerard, who soon followed after him in silence.

"How do you know?" Gerard asked all of a sudden just when they reached the door to their dorm after a silent walk. "Excuse me?" The redhead said, halting abruptly and turning around. "How did you find out that you.. you know. How are you sure that you're into fellas?" He whispered the last word, glancing around to see if anyone had heard him as he pushed the door open and beckoned Steven in. Meeks let out a short, cold chuckle, but when he saw the sincerity on Gerard's face, he sat down on his bed and took a deep breath. "My parents made me watch a movie starring Gregory Peck." He blushed. "He gave me this odd feeling, which I only recognised when I saw Grace Kelly in High Noon. That's when I realised I'm into boys." He sighed. "But you still like girls?" Gerard asked, seeming interested. "Yes, oh yes, definitely." He grinned.

Gerard gently sat down next to him on the bed. "Have you ever kissed someone, a boy that is?" He asked, surprisingly eager to know more about the matter. Meeks softly shook his head. "It's not really proper, is it?" The other gave a barely noticable shrug, then focused his attention back to Meeks' face.

"I wonder... Steven could I-" He took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eyes. "Can I kiss you?" The other eyed him up then glared. "Are you making fun of me?" He said, edging away from the other. "Please don't tell anyone, please." He pleaded. Pitts vigorously shook his head. "No, Steven, I'm serious." He said as he turned fully towards him. A moment of silence fell upon them. Meeks opened his mouth to say something, but simply nodded instead, swallowing hard. "You don't have to let me kiss you if you don't want me to Steven, I swear I won't tell a soul either way." Gerard said. He didn't want to force anything upon the redhead. But the other nodded once more,  seeming more sure of it now. "No, no I- I want you to." He admitted, staring at his shoes as he did so.

Gerard took in a shaky breath as he scooted closer to the other and pressed a hand against Steven's jaw, tilting his head slightly so Meeks faced him, feeling awkward as he towered over the smaller boy even whilst sitting. "I'm going to kiss you now." He muttered, glancing at the other's lips. Slowly he bend forward, and saw Meeks flutter his eyes closed, swiftly doing the same. Then he softly pressed his lips to Steven's. When the other started kissing back, it made his heart skip a beat. As they moved their lips together, Steven tangled his hands in the other's hair and tugged lightly on it, resulting in a surprising moan from Gerard. The two broke apart and Meeks looked at him in bewilderment.

"Are you enjoying this?" He asked, and Pitts nodded quickly, his gaze meeting Steven's before wandering back to his lips. Then Meeks pulled him in once more by the collar of his blouse and down until they were laying on the bed. Gerard hovered over the other's smaller frame, supporting himself on his elbows, their bodies pressed together. Gerard broke the kiss to rest his head in the crook of Steven's neck. "We really shouldn't be doing this, should we? We're not meant to do this." He whispered. Steven could feel his hot breath tingling on his skin as he grabbed ahold of the other's dark hair. "Since when are you one for following rules?" Meeks said. The resulting low chuckle send shivers down his spine. 

Before he could control himself, his hips bucked up against Gerard, who groaned in response. "I- I'm sorry, I-" Meeks stuttered, reddening in the face, but quickly swallowed his words as the other boy grinded back into him, feeling his hard member against his. Steven let out soft moans as they rutted against each other, their heavy breathing filling the room. Meeks almost yelped when lips connected with the sensitive skin of his collar bone, Gerard slowly kissing and sucking along his clavicle as Meeks clung to Gerard's back, sliding a hand underneath his white blouse. He'd never been touched like this before. As Pitts sucked on a particularly sensitive spot, Steven thrusted hard up into him and spilled into his pants, loudly gasping 'Gerard' as he came. Said boy sped up his movements, grinding on the other's thigh as Meeks himself rode out his orgasm, and as Steven pulled him into a heated kiss, he, too, found himself send over the edge, shuddering as he came.

They laid on top of each other for a while after. "Strength won this battle." Gerard whispered, making the other boy chuckle. Then he raised his head so he could look the other in the eye. "In all seriousness, Steven, I don't think any less of you. You're my best friend." The situation seemed to suddenly dawn upon the other. "Oh shit." Meeks tried to shoot up, but Gerard's body was still pinning him down. "Shit, shit Gerard, what are we doing?" The other rolled off of him to give him some space. "If Nolan finds out, we'll be expelled. We can literally go to jail for this!" He was now pacing around the small room, obviously panicked. "Steven." Gerard spoke softly. "My father will disown me, if not kill me. He despises fags, told me so once. Said 'Listen here, Steven. Those ki-" He halted his rambling when the taller boy enveloped him in a hug. "Nolan won't find out. Who'll tell him? I certainly won't." He soothed him. 

"Did this mean anything to you?" The ginger suddenly asked after they'd stood in silence for a good minute while Pitts rubbed slow circles on his back. Gerard seemed perplexed. "Well.. I've never thought of myself as a homosexual before, let alone a two-sexual." He said quietly. Meeks chuckled internally at the usage of that word. "However, you are my favourite person. I'll leave it at that, for now. I'm sorry." Pitts said. "That's alright, Ger, take all the time you need."

"We should probably get out of these pants. I can't imagine the cleaning department will be too happy about this." "Nothing they aren't used to." And chuckling, they went to change.

Poetry for Three (Steven Meeks x reader x Gerard Pitts)Where stories live. Discover now