The Twirling of Ones Hair

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Ridgeway High School wasn't all that far from Welton academy, really. Just a 20 minutes bike ride would take you from one to the other. For Gerard Pitts, however, that bike ride was made a little harder by a complaining Meeks on the back of his bike. "Common Pittsie, put those long legs of yours to work." "Are you going to stop whining or do you want to walk the rest of the way there?" He groaned. "Alright, alright, point taken." The state of the bike didn't help much either, as they rattled their way up and down hills. It was a wonder the handlebar hadn't fallen of yet.

Soon the city came within sight and music could be heard coming from the streets. "The parade has already started, Knox, better get there quick!" Yelled Charlie, who then quickly surpassed him. "Wait up!" The other raced after him. "Don't you dare say something." Pitts warned Meeks before he could insult his cycling speed. "We should get one of those fun tandems, that way you have to actually put some work in, too." The tall boy huffed. "Hey! It's hard work not falling of when you sway so much, Pittsie!" Meeks laughed. "Oh, I'll show you what swaying is!" He exclaimed as he swerved to the right, the redhead clinging to the other for his dear life, his arms wrapped around Gerard's waist. "Are you mad!" Steven shrieked as the other swerved across the dirt road, all the while laughing. "You see? I'm not that bad of a byciclist after all,  am I?" He said once he stopped swerving. Meeks quickly pulled his arms away, reddening only slightly. 

They were now entering the parking lot of Ridgeway and the cheerleaders and marching band could be seen from where they rode. As Pitts slowed down, the other jumped off the back of the bike. The two-wheeler was carelessly thrown against a tree, where Pitts quickly locked it before jogging over to his friend. "I wish I was as tall as you." He said. "I can't really see anything over all those damn cars. Come on, let's go get a better view." The shorter one grabbed the other's arm and dragged him towards where the cheerleading squad was performing. 

Festivity was in the air. Neither of them knew what they were marching for, but didn't mind seeing the cheerleaders dance away in their skirts. "Man, do I wish we had girls at Welton." Charlie suddenly said from behind them with a sigh, grabbing both boys by the shoulder. "Oh, there you are!" Said Meeks. "Have you seen Knox?" "No, but I imagine he's somewhere around here. That Noel girl is right there." He pointed at one of the cheerleaders, a pretty, blonde one who was now waving her pom poms from side to side. "And she's with Chet Danbury?" Asked Meeks. "The good ones always go for jerks." "Well, this jerk is going for that 'good one' over there." Dalton said, and with a pat on the shoulder, he started toward a girl with short, brown hair in a leather jacket.

As if appearing out of thin air, a girl in a cheerleading costume suddenly was in front of the pair, leaning on the iron fence that stood between them. "Say, you boys aren't from Ridgeway High, are you?" She asked. They looked at eachother sheepishly before both shaking their heads. "No," said Meeks. "we're from Welton." "We just came here to watch the parade with our friends." Added Pitts. "Oh! Did you enjoy it?" The girl asked sweetly. "Yeah." Gerard wheezed, Steven noddig in agreement, a big smile plastered on his face.

"My name is (y/n), by the way." She said, extending her hand toward Gerard, one pom pom clenched under her arm, then after he'd shaken her hand toward Meeks. "Steven." Said the later, then pointing at the other: "And this is my friend Gerard." A voice called her name from somewhere in the crowd. "Oh, that's me, it was nice meeting you, Steven, Gerard. I hope I'll see you around!" She smiled, and with a wink, she turned on her heels and jogged to where the voice had come from.


The trip home seemed to fly by, they had the wind in their back and a pretty girl on their mind. "Did you see how she was twirling her hair?" Pitts yelled over his shoulder, grinning broadly. He rode down a hill, throwing his legs up in the air, Meeks holding onto his shoulders for dear life. "We should definitely find out when the next cheerleading performance is." The ginger boy laughed.

Poetry for Three (Steven Meeks x reader x Gerard Pitts)Where stories live. Discover now