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          Hello everyone, this note is a bit over due seeing as we're four chapters in already but better late than never right?
Currently, I only have six readers and um.. that's awkward but all great books start from somewhere. To all six of you lovely people, thank you for reading my book. A lot of time and energy is going into it and I hope it's as enjoyable as I intend it to be.
This is my first book on here and I'm still figuring out how to write so please forgive any errors in grammar or arrangement. I promise when it's done, it'll be revised and perfected. I will be adding little notes like this every couple of chapters to clear up anything I feel is confusing and I hope you guys will point out any unclear parts, with kindness of course. Again, thanks for reading. Don't forget to leave a comment or a vote if you're feeling nice 💕

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