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Whiffs of different smells filled up my nose. Perhaps, it had to make me nauseous, but for some reasons, I couldn't be bothered by it that much. Except for the cattle made me want to pinch my nose in between my fingers, but the ketchup and the smell of meat in my hotdog bun made me forget about it all in the first place.

"Ironic, isn't it?" Staring at my hotdog, I licked my lips, motioning for the enormous variety of cows that were surrounding the area, as well as people who either bumped against us accidentally from behind, or were in the way in front of us. "Selling cattle for those who want to breed. Give them a good life. Then here we are, eating them."

Aurora's Italian cursing, then laugh, or more like the giggle laugh she had, made me smile instantly, the melodic sound filling my ears. "Correction, you are eating them. I don't understand what made you think buying this hot dog at the market around the corner and eating it here, at a livestock market, was a good idea."

"You would have done the exact same thing if you hadn't eaten something back at home." I defended with my mouth full, scrunching up my nose when she swiped her thumb over my mouth, wiping the ketchup, that was now on her finger, off on a napkin she had in her bag.

"No, I wouldn't have. Sei un cretino." Her dark eyebrows raised, trying to give away the impression of looking at my bun filled with loathing, but the playful look in her eyes, the edges of her mouth that tugged but got forced down to try and not laugh made her fail. "Who eats that? Complete trash. Besides, you upset Benjamin. He finds you a moron."

Hands up to make Aurora stop her sentence, my eyes widened and I began to speak when my mouthful was swallowed down. "He said that? I didn't raise my son like that. What happened to honour thy father and thy mother?"

"You weren't disciplined enough." Her voice sounded playful, still. But her eyes turned a bit melancholic. I decided not to tease her back, knowing the thing she just said was one of her biggest insecurities for herself, especially when Benjamin was in one of his moods. I pressed my lips against her temple.

Glancing at the many people surrounding us, it wasn't hard to find him. With his light brown hair, golden streaks through it which were bleached by the sun and olive skin similar to mine, he was a special appearance. He stood upon the fence, which held a group of cattle enclosed.

Big cowboy hat placed onto his head, denim trousers pulled up way too high, with a dark blue sweater tucked inside of it, a big, silver belt completing his outfit. Seeing his worn out Nike's didn't pass the cowboy outfit, the boots still missing, his belt had to be the cherry on top. It was too wide, his waist was too small, but he felt like a cowboy and that was the thing we wanted.

"Benji!" My voice was shrill amongst the others, but the atmosphere was busy, loud and chaotic, therefore I had to scream a little to get his attention.

Instantly, he turned his head to me, his big cowboy hat accidentally covering his eyes in the process. I waved him over. He shook his head, pointed at my hotdog. Grinning, I tried to stuff the remaining of the bun inside my mouth, giving him a questionable look. Benjamin furrowed his eyebrows, but jumped off the fence anyway, pushing himself through the mass of people. "Stubborn, he is."

"Got that from his mama, and maybe a bit from his daddy." Aurora smiled, kissing me on my cheek, to which I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I'd watch my mouth if I were you. I went to a livestock market for you. A livestock market!" I whisper- exclaimed, exaggeratingly blowing away the flies, which flew around the people's head as the cattle swept them away with their tails with great force. No wonder they smacked against my forehead several times.

Her fist met my shoulder again, I couldn't help but pull her into a side hug. "You didn't go for me. For him." She pointed at Benjamin, who stood in front of us, arms crossed over his chest, legs wide, but with a pout on his face.

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