18 | spaghetti bird

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1698 Bolgheri DOC Pietra Nova wine

Do you remember the day of the pasta bird? Of course you remember that.. it was the day where you had went to the toilet about five times in the ten minutes I had met your mother. Nerves made you pee, was what you had mumbled out. The day you were meeting my family for the first time.

Whereas my family had made it a special, exuberant dinner party, you had kept it low-key, waved it off a little when you glanced between me and your mother. "Mummy, Aurora." You glanced at me. "Aurora, my mum." Your mother had kissed my face, held it between her hands as her eyes roamed over my features.

"Wow, Zev." She had whispered, I could feel her warmth radiating off her. "You're lucky with a woman so beautiful." Her warmth seeped into me- I felt loved and welcomed right away. Your sisters hadn't been home, I knew it was the reason you had quickly taken me inside the house. It didn't matter to me, but I could tell you didn't really like it- but had no choice.

"Zev, it's okay." I had squeezed your hand. Automatically, you had squeezed it back. It went back and forth. "I know you don't feel comfortable with that, it doesn't matter to me."

"I don't want you to think it's something personal. I'm not afraid of showing you. I wish I could show you to the whole world. I just don't want them to.."

I'd waited for a kiss the whole time, but your lips had never touched my skin. It was impulsive, I knew it caught you off guard when I pushed my lips against your cheek. "Stop, Zev. It's alright. I understand you. And I got to meet your mother. She's wonderful."

"Aurora.." You had looked a bit bewildered, as if you didn't understand what had just happened. Rosiness appeared on your cheeks, but your eyes were gifted a confused look. You heart was beating extremely fast, your hand became clammy. "I need to pee so badly."

"You don't." I had laughed, pushed you against the door of your car. "It's an illusion. My Papà is nice, I promise you! My brothers are too, as well as Mamma."

"Do you want to kiss?"

My goodness. My romantic Romeo. You had a lot to learn, but maybe I liked the way you did everything much better than the way it goes in books and movies.

You wiped your face with your hands, rested them onto your steer while you let out a deep sigh and stared outside the window. "Aurora, if you knew how things happened in my mind, I would have kissed you in the ferris wheel when we were watching dawn together. I just.. I couldn't. I don't want to disrespect you, and my feeling of timing is so extremely off. I grew up with women only, but no one ever told me when it is the right time to do such thing-"

"You're so cute when you ramble. Also extremely useless." I cursed in Italian. "Come here. You will feel when it's the right time. Which, indeed, was in the ferris wheel, but I respect your respect towards me. Now, kiss me. What are you waiting for? Little cupido who'll push our faces together?"

The moment you had turned your face to me, I pressed my lips to yours. Oh, how to turn back time to go back to that exact moment. Something happened inside of me. If I hadn't loved you by then, I loved you a million times more after that moment. I knew you experienced the same feeling. It was as if, subconsciously, pieces of me melted together with pieces of yours, becoming one, attaching to each other, not ever wanting to let go of it. And I didn't mind that at all. I trusted you, still do the day now. It was like the soil were our different lives, but the roots and the flower still connected, belonging together until the day death would tear us apart.

You laughed the moment we let go. "Wow." You licked your lips. Stared at your lap. Glanced up at me. Kissed me again. "Wow."

"Wow, indeed." I agreed, felt warm, became quiet for some reasons. Zev, why did you ever fall in love with me? Until this day, I do not understand still.

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