2 | caro ragazzo

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When the school was about to close, I tiredly picked up my laptop bag, along with my backpack. It felt heavy when I swung it over my shoulder, was filled up with tests from the pupils to the point that my zipper couldn't close anymore. I hesitated if I had to drink my usual cup of coffee at the cafe I used to work at as a teenager, which I would pass on the way home.

It was nearing five in the afternoon and no matter how much I liked seeing my old colleagues, my mother still had my son at home. He could take care of himself just fine, seeing he was eleven years old, but I didn't want him to become a burden for her.

Wiping my hand over my face, I decided to pick Benji up and just go home after that. I was tired, felt like sleeping. It had been a rough day at school. Teaching refuge children who came from countries where their young eyes had seen things no one, but especially not children, were supposed to see required not only the skills when it came to teaching English, but also some sort of therapeutic skills.

Children had bursted out into a fight, their countries were enemies in the war. I thought they would've had enough of the war and fighting, but when one of the fists was full of hair from the other, I had to intervene.

Stepping inside the car, the motor became warm and seconds later, I drove off towards my mother's house. Despite it being the rush hour, it was fairly quiet everywhere. Therefore within half an hour, I parked my car in front of her house.

Staying inside the car, I hoped Benjamin would come once he saw me, but when my mother motioned for me when she appeared at the doorstep, I gave a deep sigh, knowing what was about to be thrown at me.

"Trouble?" I asked right away, watching how Benjamin swung his backpack over his shoulder, not giving me one glance. He made his way into the car right away, closed the door with a loud thud. "What happened now?"

My mother sighed deeply, gave me a sympathetic look. "Zev.. You've had a long day, haven't you?"

"Just tell me what happened. There's so much more I can take." I mumbled out, stuffing my hands in the pockets of my hoodie.

"Last time he came here he spilled his smoothie over his trousers, remember? I washed them, wanted to stuff them in your mailbox, but upon arriving at your house, he was seated in front of the door, arms crossed over his chest. Walked away from school." My mother glanced at Benji, I did the same. "Didn't want to go back to school. No way, could I make him, until I warned him with a light smack onto his bottom. His teacher said that one of his classmates offered him to play at his home, where they had a bouncy castle. Said he threw himself at that boy after it. I don't know why."

Running my hand through my hair, I stared at Benjamin, who was looking down with an annoyed expression, fidgeting with his cowboy hat. "Great." I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice. "I'll deal with it."

"I made him clear that it's not okay what he did, but if he gets it through his thick skull.. I wonder that."

"Thanks for having him over." I tried to suppress a yawn, turned around after placing a kiss on her cheek. "See you."

My mother didn't say anything, just looked at me as a watery glaze appeared over her eyes.

When in the car, I decided to stay silent. Clearly, he was not in the mood to talk and honestly, neither was I. At the same time I knew he found the silent treatment harder than scolding, for some reasons my disappointment hurt him more. "He was never nice to me before!"

Tears threatened to spill, his voice was shrill. Emotions were caught up in his throat, I could hear that by the tone. It was higher than it normally was, his face was red from the effort to hold everything inside.

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