14 | Sound of Music kids

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1994 wine

With a car full of foods, drinks, wine, blankets and gas, off we went on our second date. It wasn't a question that there would be a second date, it all just went naturally. You asked me when I would be free, I told you the date and there it was planned. You picked me up, and I was sure to be at the doorstep already because I knew that it was still a bit too early to meet my parents and siblings. For you, at least. You'd needed more time to process everything going on, whereas I had already imagined dinner at your place.

It didn't matter- I thought it was sweet and no matter how fast- paced I liked everything to go, I respected that you simply weren't ready for it. That time would come, I'd now know. You would too, wouldn't you? Back to our second date, you decided to keep it low-key this time, which I was more than okay with.

I didn't want no fancy restaurants, going to the movies because what would you learn from the person you'd go with? You couldn't talk during the movie, neither did you really look at each other. I'd always thought it was a weird option, so when you decided to take me on a little road trip, I had innerly cheered. You had no idea where to go to, but it didn't matter. The moment your foot touched the gas after picking me up, we got lost in a conversation.

The polite how are you's and the what have you been up to's, but soon after, we came to a much deeper conversation. You rolled the windows down, did the thing only men do with their elbow leaning onto the frame of the window, fingers touching their stubble beard while the other hand would loosely hold onto the steering wheel.

"Does your dad approve of this all?" You had wondered, kept your eyes onto the road as you steered the car a different direction, more like the coast side of the country where we could see lots of green and waters.

"He thinks I'm rather young." I'd said, maybe a bit too nonchalant. Your eyes narrowed, you had a confused expression on your face. Well, maybe more like unsure. I laughed, punched your shoulder. "My mamma was sixteen when she got into a relationship, I'm a year older, he's got nothing to say about it."

You chuckled unsurely. "He's still your father.."

"He's alright with it, Zev. We had a long conversation the day before." It was true. Papà was the kind of person who wanted to know stuff directly. Straight to the point. He couldn't stand people who said a but not b after. He wanted to know what was up with us, wanted to know if there were feelings.

"Papà. It's like Lady and the Tramp. Fresh, but it's there. Not to deny." I had said. His eyes had lightened up by the mention of the movie.

"Aurora, I don't want to hold you back, I just want to protect you from.." I knew what he was talking about. It brought tears to my eyes, but this time not because of the thing I'd been through, only because I realised how the opposite you were. How you were everything that guy hadn't been. And that you didn't want me for a few things only, unlike the cousin who.. Well, you know what had happened to me when I was fourteen.

"I'd like to meet him next time."

But were you ready for that?

I told you that he wanted it, only to get to know you, and probably to make sure you were treating me right, even if I had told him a thousand times that you were treating me better than anyone had ever done before.

"I'm ready for that. It's just.." I remember the pained look in your eyes. You drove slower, and I softly reached for the hand that held the poke. "My father left us when I was four, and I just don't know how to act around.. men? Fatherly figures? I mean I've had Teddy, but would it be the same when.."

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