Chapter 1

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Principal-y/n jimenez look you have to stop getting into these fights all the time
Y/n-I'm sorry Mr. but she started it I was minding my own business when she pushed me against the locker and dropped my books to the floor
Principal-okay next time just tell us okay I get that she pushed you and you hit back but you busted her lip. Yes we know where you live and that's not okay that she said they
Y/n-it doesn't matter where i live and fine I'll tell you next time but if this happens and y'all don't do nothing imma beat her and anyone else again
I left the principals office and went to lunch I sit at the bleachers and sometimes walk around the school because I don't really have friends since people know who I am and my family. Some people don't wanna talk to me cause there scared of me but I'm not scary I'm not mean I just live in the bad side with the "cholos" there actually really nice people they won't mess with you if you don't mess with them or there spot it's pretty simple. Anyway other people don't talk to me because Lauren and Nessa there the popular girls of the school I hate them so much. I was walking to my last period of the day until Lauren's boyfriend Phillips stopped me
P-so y/n tell me why you decide to hit my girlfriend?
Y/n-first of all Phillips your "girlfriend" came to me and started pushing and bothering me
P-so if someone just pushes you then your gonna hit them back
Y/n-if they don't stop then yes
Phillips started to push me
P-what are you gonna do your gonna hit me. Come on y/n I'm way stronger than you are
Y/n-really cause it doesn't look like it?
P-funny y/n really funny
He said pushing me harder and I fell to the floor
Y/n-Phillips I said stop!
P-what are you gonna do huh?
I got up and punched Phillips
his lip was bleeding and he wiped the blood off and slapped me.
I saw boy and some people behind him come towards us I just didn't know who they were
??-are you ok?Phillips leave her!
P-Benny leave it's none of your business!
Phillips hit me again but since I had some anger build up I kicked chase in the balls and when he fell to the floor I started kicking him and he grabbed my leg which caused me to fall on the floor Phillips pulled my hair and started punching my stomach
The boy and his friends dragged me and Phillips apart and the security guard got me and Phillips and took us to the office.
Security guard-really again y/n it hasn't been 2 hours yet and you already got in a fight
Y/n-look jerry it wasn't my fault he started it
I was really cool with the security guards of the school since I'm practically a loner I sometimes hand with them during break.
Jerry-your lucky some boys were there to help you or else you would still be beating each other up
Principle-really y/n another fight.
Y/n-it wasn't my fault Phillips started it
Principle-were gonna talk to you two and the boys who stopped the fight
they talked to me and Phillips and finally the boys that pulled us apart.I only know one guys name and that's Benny 
Principle-ok we heard the story and we're gonna check cameras just in case. Y/n I've called your parents to come pick you up.Benny and the rest you may go to class.Phillips stay here
Y/n-wait what?! Did you tell them what happened?
Principle-yes of course I told them that you gotten into a fight with a male student
Y/n-oh shit umm Mr. you may want Phillips in the other side of the counter because you may have called my mother but she umm may have told my tio's and my family an-
before I could even finish I saw my 3 uncles walk into the door faces red and full of anger.
Y/n-oh no shit
I got up and jerry stopped me
Jerry-excuse me you guys can't be in here this is a high school.
Y/n-jerry there my tío's
All my tíos have Nicknames since high school so that's what people call them.One of them is my godfather the big tall one to be more specific. He doesn't have any kids so when i was born he wanted to be my godfather his nickname is "buster" my mom said it's because he fought a lot in high school my other tío nickname is "Krusty" after the clown from the Simpson's and last but not least the 3rd tío is a bit short shorter than me cause I'm pretty tall since my dad was tall I'm 5'10.anyway his nickname is "sonic" cause he ran pretty fast in high school trynna not get jumped
Buster-who tf beat you up!
Y/n-umm he uh left home
Krusty-so who tf is that guy with a busted lip
Y/n-ummm someone else who got into a fight the same time as I did
Sonic-don't lie to us y/n
Y/n-ok fine it's him b-
My níno(godfather) grabbed Phillips caller picking him up and I've never seen Phillips so scared
Buster-who tf you think you are beating up a girl you think your cool cause your not !
Y/n-tío stop there gonna call the police
Krusty- nah we should fuck you up putting your hands on our niece. If you were a girl I'd be different but you not and your a dude and put hands on a girl.
P-I-I'm s-sorry please don't hurt me I-I didn't mean to hurt her I'm sorry
He began to cry
Sonic-oh what happen you weren't scared when you beat her up but your scared now ?You shouldn't say sorry to us you should say sorry for what you do to y/n cause I know damn well she don't start shit.
P-I-I'm sorry y/n please help me !
Jerry-sir if you don't put the boy down I'll have to call the police and arrest you!
Buster-alright alright lets go
Principal-uh umm excuse me y/n can't leave without a parent or guardian
Buster-we're marked as her guardian her mother is our older sister. My name is Alejandro Jimenez
Principal-and the father?
Y/n-my dad left when I was 5 years old there my father figure
Principal-ok you may go y/n your not suspended I will give Phillips his punishment we checked the cameras and you were right he did start the fight
Y/n-thank you Mr
Me and my tío's went home and I told them what happens and the boys who had helped me with Phillips.

Benny "The jet" Rodriguez x readerWhere stories live. Discover now