Part 5

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I woke up took a shower got dressed into some ripped jeans and a black hoodie I straightened my hair and put on some lashes and lip gloss. I put on my vans got my things and Kairis sweater and walked to school
I got there pretty early and as I walked into the hallway I saw Kairi
Y/n-hey Yeah-Yeah here's your sweater
Yeah-Yeah-oh hey y/n and thanks
Timmy-thanks for what you did on Friday y/n
Kenny-yea thanks
Y/n-no problem just you shouldn't do that again if I wasn't there you guys would be beat up pretty bad
as I said that the principal and jerry came up to me
Principal-Y/N JIMENEZ!
I have two last name but instead of my dads last name I use my moms it's better
Y/n-I didn't do anything
I said raising my hands up
Principal-i know but since the fight last week with Lauren and Nessa. He sighed, their parents complained about you to the school board wanting to expel you
Y/n-wait what!
Principal-listen were not expelling you. You have high grades in this school. But you'll have to spend your break with jerry you'll be by his side
Y/n-what I was most likely gonna spend it with him anyways but now that I'm forced to kinda sucks!no offense jerry
Jerry-it's fine
the bell rang and jerry walked me to class I took notes and was on my phone listening to music
When class ended it was nutrition jerry picked me up and we has to go to the cafeteria
Lauren and Nessa came up to me
Lauren-aww what happened y/n
She said laughing
Nessa-yea y/n guess they finally got you
she laughed
Y/n-shut up your bitch ass parents complained cause I was dragging your asses and won every time
Jerry tried not laughing
Lauren-your just mad
She said shoving me almost making me fall from my seat
I got up towering over Lauren and Nessa
Jerry separated us and walked me to class again picked me up for lunch to be by him and walked me to my next class and I went home
School really does suck. To take that stress away I grabbed a bag of edibles and ate about 3 strips
I got a message from an unknown number
Unknown number
???-hey y/n

Y/n-who's this ?

???-it's Smalls me and the boys are in your neighborhood by the park we wanted to come to your house but there's a big group of people and they look scary and we're scared to walk past 15

Y/n-I told you not to come in the neighborhood. Wait there I'll be there in 10 minutes DONT GO NEAR THEM OR STARE AT THEM!!!

I got up and walked to the park it was about three blocks away.
I was walking past the group and realized who it was
I laughed it wasn't no gang it was my tíos and their friends there not in a gang there just friends with the gang
I saw ale and the boys waiting on the corner I went up to my tíos first

Y/n-hey tío
I said hugging them
Buster-hey. What are you doing here?
Y/n-umm some friends they need help with math and I'm tutoring them
I said lying to him
Krusty-all of those boys right there?
He said pointing
Sonic-are those the ones who helped you with that boy who hit you?
They said it was fine and I went to get the boys
Y/n-are you dumb coming in the neighborhood?
Smalls-we just wanted to hang
Benny-yea it's pretty fun here
Y/n-it's fine but again you guys are dumb follow me
Timmy-y/n are you good your eyes are red ?
Y/n-yea I'm fine I'm relaxed
Kenny-shes high dumbass
I laughed
We got to my house and they went to my room my mom and baby brother and her boyfriend are asleep in their room
Benny-Can I lay on your bed ?
Y/n-yea sure
He layed on my bed putting his head in my pillow
Yeah-Yeah-hey y/n?
Yeah-Yeah-why do always get into fights?
Y/n-cause Lauren and Nessa always got something to say bout me
Benny-why don't you just ignore them?
Y/n-I try, I try leaving them but they always find me and start shit I just end it
I thought of that time I beat Lauren and she tried walking away and slipped
I started laughing and fell on my bed next to Benny
Smalls-are you good y/n?
Y/n-yea I'm fine. I thought of something funny
Kenny-yea she high HIGH
I laughed again
Y/n-omg I crack myself up sometimes
I looked up and saw Benny looking at me confused
but smiling at the same time
I was smiling and looked at him with a straight face trying not to laugh again but I did
I accidentally spit a little on his face
He said screaming
Y/n-oops my bad
I pulled my sleeve up to my hand grabbed Benny face and wiped it
Y/n-there big baby
I threw my head back on my bed
Kenny-I have to take a shit I'll be back
I started laughing again
Smalls grabbed my face looking at me
Y/n-woah. You good fam
I giggled
Benny-what are you doing?!
Smalls-checking, yup she is HIGH
I layed back down and was really close to Benny
Benny POV
Every since I helped y/n with Phillips I've been thinking about her. I have a couple classes with her but never noticed her now I see her all the time she's really pretty and doesn't deserve to be picked on by Lauren and Nessa. Shes pretty bad ass she always wins too.She's really high right now and she laughing and smiling I never see her like that in school. She layed next to me on her bed she was pretty close but I actually didn't mind it.
Yeah-Yeah jumped on the bed
Yeah-Yeah-your pretty
Y/n-thanks your not to bad yourself just short
I said giggling
Benny-she got you there big man
I moved Yeah-Yeah from y/n
Timmy-y/n your pretty chill too bad we're  not gonna be here
Y/n-why not?
Timmy-me and Tommy are moving in 2 days to Florida
Y/n-oh well we'll talk I think
He came back from the bathroom with a wig on which made me laugh causing me to fall on Benny stomach as he was still laying down
Y/n-oh my bad
I said getting up
Benny-your good
We were laughing and I walked them out the neighborhood walked back home and went into my phone

Benny "The jet" Rodriguez x readerWhere stories live. Discover now